#include "TViewerOpenGL.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TViewerOpenGL : public TVirtualViewer3D, public TGMainFrame, public TGLViewer

Inheritance Chart:
TViewerOpenGL(const TViewerOpenGL&) RootCsg::BaseMesh* BuildComposite() virtual void CloseWindow() TGLLogicalShape* CreateNewLogical(const TBuffer3D& buffer) const TGLPhysicalShape* CreateNewPhysical(UInt_t physicalID, const TBuffer3D& buffer, const TGLLogicalShape& logical) const void CreateViewer() virtual void DoRedraw() void DoSelect(Event_t* event, Bool_t invokeContext) virtual void InitGL() virtual void Invalidate(UInt_t redrawLOD = kMed) virtual void MakeCurrent() const TViewerOpenGL& operator=(const TViewerOpenGL&) void PrintObjects() virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2) virtual Bool_t RebuildScene() void Show() virtual void SwapBuffers() const Int_t ValidateObjectBuffer(const TBuffer3D& buffer, Bool_t logical) const public:
TViewerOpenGL(TVirtualPad* pad) ~TViewerOpenGL() virtual void AddCompositeOp(UInt_t operation) virtual Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D& buffer, Bool_t* addChildren = 0) virtual Int_t AddObject(UInt_t physicalID, const TBuffer3D& buffer, Bool_t* addChildren = 0) virtual void BeginScene() virtual Bool_t BuildingScene() const static TClass* Class() virtual void CloseComposite() virtual void EndScene() Bool_t HandleContainerButton(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerConfigure(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerDoubleClick(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerEvent(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerExpose(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerKey(Event_t* ev) Bool_t HandleContainerMotion(Event_t* ev) virtual TClass* IsA() const void ModifyScene(Int_t id) virtual Bool_t OpenComposite(const TBuffer3D& buffer, Bool_t* addChildren = 0) virtual Bool_t PreferLocalFrame() const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TGCompositeFrame* fMainFrame TGVerticalFrame* fV1 TGVerticalFrame* fV2 TGShutter* fShutter TGShutterItem* fShutItem1 TGShutterItem* fShutItem2 TGShutterItem* fShutItem3 TGShutterItem* fShutItem4 TGLayoutHints* fL1 TGLayoutHints* fL2 TGLayoutHints* fL3 TGLayoutHints* fL4 TGLayoutHints* fCanvasLayout TGMenuBar* fMenuBar TGPopupMenu* fFileMenu TGPopupMenu* fViewMenu TGPopupMenu* fHelpMenu TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarLayout TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarItemLayout TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarHelpLayout TContextMenu* fContextMenu TGCanvas* fCanvasWindow TGLRenderArea* fCanvasContainer TGLColorEditor* fColorEditor TGLGeometryEditor* fGeomEditor TGLSceneEditor* fSceneEditor TGLLightEditor* fLightEditor TViewerOpenGL::EAction fAction TPoint fStartPos TPoint fLastPos UInt_t fActiveButtonID Bool_t fInternalRebuild ! internal scene rebuild in progress? Bool_t fAcceptedAllPhysicals ! did we take all physicals offered in AddObject() Bool_t fInternalPIDs ! using internal physical IDs UInt_t fNextInternalPID ! next internal physical ID (from 1 - 0 reserved) Int_t fLightMask TVirtualPad* fPad TGLFaceSet* fComposite ! Paritally created composite UInt_t fCSLevel vector<CSPART_t> fCSTokens UInt_t fAcceptedPhysicals UInt_t fRejectedPhysicals static const Int_t fgInitX static const Int_t fgInitY static const Int_t fgInitW static const Int_t fgInitH public:
static const TViewerOpenGL::EAction kNone static const TViewerOpenGL::EAction kRotate static const TViewerOpenGL::EAction kTruck static const TViewerOpenGL::EAction kDolly static const TViewerOpenGL::EAction kDrag

Class Description

TViewerOpenGL(TVirtualPad * pad) : TGMainFrame(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), fgInitW, fgInitH), fMainFrame(0), fV1(0), fV2(0), fShutter(0), fShutItem1(0), fShutItem2(0), fShutItem3(0), fShutItem4(0), fL1(0), fL2(0), fL3(0), fL4(0), fCanvasLayout(0), fMenuBar(0), fFileMenu(0), fViewMenu(0), fHelpMenu(0), fMenuBarLayout(0), fMenuBarItemLayout(0), fMenuBarHelpLayout(0), fContextMenu(0), fCanvasWindow(0), fCanvasContainer(0), fColorEditor(0), fGeomEditor(0), fSceneEditor(0), fLightEditor(0), fAction(kNone), fStartPos(0,0), fLastPos(0,0), fActiveButtonID(0), fInternalRebuild(kFALSE), fAcceptedAllPhysicals(kTRUE), fInternalPIDs(kFALSE), fNextInternalPID(1), // 0 reserved fLightMask(0x1b), fPad(pad), fComposite(0), fCSLevel(0), fAcceptedPhysicals(0), fRejectedPhysicals(0)
 Create OpenGL viewer.

void CreateViewer()
 Menus creation


void InitGL()
 Actual GL window/context creation should have already been done in CreateViewer()

void Invalidate(UInt_t redrawLOD)

void MakeCurrent() const

void SwapBuffers() const

Bool_t HandleContainerEvent(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerButton(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerDoubleClick(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerConfigure(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerKey(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerMotion(Event_t *event)

Bool_t HandleContainerExpose(Event_t *)

void DoSelect(Event_t *event, Bool_t invokeContext)
 Take select lock on scene immediately we enter here - it is released
 in the other (drawing) thread - see TGLViewer::Select()
 Removed when gVirtualGL removed

void Show()

void CloseWindow()

void DoRedraw()
 Take draw lock on scene immediately we enter here - it is released
 in the other (drawing) drawing thread - see TGLViewer::Draw()
 Removed when gVirtualGL removed

void PrintObjects()

Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t)

void ModifyScene(Int_t wid)

Bool_t PreferLocalFrame() const

void BeginScene()

void EndScene()

Bool_t RebuildScene()
 If we accepted all offered physicals into the scene no point in
 rebuilding it

Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t * addChildren)
 Add an object to the viewer, using internal physical IDs

Int_t AddObject(UInt_t physicalID, const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t * addChildren)
 Add an object to the viewer, using an external physical ID.

Int_t ValidateObjectBuffer(const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t logical) const
 kCore: Should always be filled

TGLLogicalShape* CreateNewLogical(const TBuffer3D & buffer) const
 Buffer should now be correctly filled

TGLPhysicalShape* CreateNewPhysical(UInt_t ID, const TBuffer3D & buffer, const TGLLogicalShape & logical) const
 Extract indexed color from buffer
 TODO: Still required? Better use proper color triplet in buffer?

Bool_t OpenComposite(const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t * addChildren)

void CloseComposite()
 If we have a partially complete composite build it now

void AddCompositeOp(UInt_t operation)

RootCsg::BaseMesh* BuildComposite()

Inline Functions

                Bool_t BuildingScene() const
         TViewerOpenGL TViewerOpenGL(const TViewerOpenGL&)
        TViewerOpenGL& operator=(const TViewerOpenGL&)
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Author: Timur Pocheptsov 03/08/2004
Last update: root/gl:$Name: $:$Id: TViewerOpenGL.cxx,v 1.69 2005/07/14 19:13:04 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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