library: libNetx
#include "TXPhyConnection.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TXPhyConnection : public TXUnsolicitedMsgSender

Inheritance Chart:
void HandleUnsolicited(TXMessage* m) public:
TXPhyConnection(TXAbsUnsolicitedMsgHandler* h) TXPhyConnection(const TXPhyConnection&) virtual ~TXPhyConnection() TXMessage* BuildXMessage(ESendRecvOptions opt, Bool_t IgnoreTimeouts, Bool_t Enqueue) void CheckAutoTerm() static TClass* Class() Bool_t Connect(TString TcpAddress, Int_t TcpPort, Int_t TcpWindowSize) void Disconnect() Bool_t ExpiredTTL() UInt_t GetBytesRecv() UInt_t GetBytesSent() UInt_t GetSocketBytesRecv() UInt_t GetSocketBytesSent() Long_t GetTTL() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsAddress(TString& addr) ELoginState IsLogged() const Bool_t IsPort(Int_t port) const Bool_t IsValid() const void LockChannel() TXPhyConnection& operator=(const TXPhyConnection&) void ReaderStarted() Bool_t ReaderThreadKilled() const Int_t ReadRaw(void* buffer, Int_t BufferLength, ESendRecvOptions opt = kDefault) TXMessage* ReadXMessage(Int_t streamid) Bool_t ReConnect(TString TcpAddress, Int_t TcpPort, Int_t TcpWindowSize) TSocket* SaveSocket() void SetLogged(ELoginState status) void SetTTL(Long_t ttl) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void StartReader() virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void Touch() void UnlockChannel() Int_t WriteRaw(const void* buffer, Int_t BufferLength, ESendRecvOptions opt = kDefault)

Data Members

time_t fLastUseTimestamp ELoginState fLogged only 1 login/auth is needed for physical TXInputBuffer fMsgQ The queue used to hold incoming messages Int_t fRequestTimeout TMutex* fRwMutex Lock before using the physical channel TMutex* fMutex TThread* fReaderthreadhandler The thread which is going to pump Bool_t fReaderthreadrunning Bool_t fReaderthreadkilled TString fRemoteAddress Int_t fRemotePort TXSocket* fSocket TCondition* fReaderCV public:
ERemoteServer fServer Long_t fTTLsec

Class Description

 Class handling physical connections to xrootd servers.               

TXPhyConnection(TXAbsUnsolicitedMsgHandler *h)


Bool_t Connect(TString TcpAddress, Int_t TcpPort, Int_t TcpWindowSize)
 Connect to remote server

void StartReader()
 Start reader thread

void ReaderStarted()
 Called inside SocketReaderThread to flag the running status
 of the thread

Bool_t ReConnect(TString TcpAddress, Int_t TcpPort, Int_t TcpWindowSize)
 Re-connection attempt

TSocket* SaveSocket()
 Return copy of the TSocket part of the existing socket
 Used to save an open connection to rootd daemons

void Disconnect()
 Terminate connection

void Touch()
 Set last-use-time to present time

Int_t ReadRaw(void *buf, Int_t len, ESendRecvOptions opt)
 Receive 'len' bytes from the connected server and store them in 'buf'.
 Return number of bytes received.

TXMessage* ReadXMessage(Int_t streamid)
 Gets a full loaded TXMessage from this phyconn.
 May be a pure msg pick from a queue

TXMessage* BuildXMessage(ESendRecvOptions opt, Bool_t IgnoreTimeouts, Bool_t Enqueue)
 Builds an TXMessage, and makes it read its header/data from the socket
 Also put automatically the msg into the queue

void CheckAutoTerm()
 Check if auto-termination is needed

void HandleUnsolicited(TXMessage *m)
 Local processing of unsolicited responses is done here

Int_t WriteRaw(const void *buf, Int_t len, ESendRecvOptions opt)
 Send 'len' bytes located at 'buf' to the connected server.
 Return number of bytes sent.

UInt_t GetBytesSent()
 Return number of bytes sent

UInt_t GetBytesRecv()
 Return number of bytes received

UInt_t GetSocketBytesSent()
 Return number of bytes sent

UInt_t GetSocketBytesRecv()
 Return number of bytes received

Bool_t ExpiredTTL()
 Check expiration time

void LockChannel()

void UnlockChannel()

Inline Functions

                  Long_t GetTTL() const
                  Bool_t IsAddress(TString& addr)
                  Bool_t ReaderThreadKilled() const
             ELoginState IsLogged() const
                  Bool_t IsPort(Int_t port) const
                  Bool_t IsValid() const
                    void SetLogged(ELoginState status)
                    void SetTTL(Long_t ttl)
                 TClass* Class()
                 TClass* IsA() const
                    void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                    void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                    void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         TXPhyConnection TXPhyConnection(const TXPhyConnection&)
        TXPhyConnection& operator=(const TXPhyConnection&)

Author: Alvise Dorigo, Fabrizio Furano
Last update: root/netx:$Name: $:$Id: TXPhyConnection.cxx,v 1.6 2005/01/05 01:55:13 rdm Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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