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[back] /guides/email/email-problems.php
Email Problems

If you experience problems with sending or receiving emails please consider the following before you contact the computer center.

  1. Is email working for another person in the same office/building? try sending test emails to each other, and to your self. It may be possible that the mail service is temporarily unavailable - if other people are having the same problem then this is probably the case.

  2. To use the university mail servers for posting emails your PC must have a registered IP name withing the domain, otherwise you will get a relaying denied error. Check that your computer has correct IP and DNS settings.

  3. Check that your computer is connected to the network; for example can you view web pages on the internet? Check that your computer has correct IP and DNS settings.

  4. Check that your email client settings are correct.

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system manager, University of Gaziantep.