// @(#)root/g3d:$Name:  $:$Id: TMarker3DBox.cxx,v 1.13 2005/08/30 09:11:39 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun , Olivier Couet 31/10/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TView.h"
#include "TMarker3DBox.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH3.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TBuffer3D.h"
#include "TBuffer3DTypes.h"
#include "TVirtualViewer3D.h"
#include "TGeometry.h"

#include <assert.h>


// Marker3DBox is a special 3-D marker designed for event display.
// It has the following parameters:
//    fX;               X coordinate of the center of the box
//    fY;               Y coordinate of the center of the box
//    fZ;               Z coordinate of the center of the box
//    fDx;              half length in X
//    fDy;              half length in Y
//    fDz;              half length in Z
//    fTheta;           Angle of box z axis with respect to main Z axis
//    fPhi;             Angle of box x axis with respect to main Xaxis
//    fRefObject;       A reference to an object

   // Marker3DBox  default constructor

   fRefObject = 0;
   fDx = 1;
   fDy = 1;
   fDz = 1;

   fX  = 0;
   fY  = 0;
   fZ  = 0;

   fTheta = 0;
   fPhi   = 0;

 TMarker3DBox::TMarker3DBox( Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z,
                            Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz,
                            Float_t theta, Float_t phi)
              :TAttLine(1,1,1), TAttFill(1,0)
   // Marker3DBox normal constructor

   fDx = dx;
   fDy = dy;
   fDz = dz;

   fX  = x;
   fY  = y;
   fZ  = z;

   fTheta = theta;
   fPhi   = phi;
   fRefObject = 0;

   // Marker3DBox shape default destructor

 Int_t TMarker3DBox::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Compute distance from point px,py to a Marker3DBox
   // Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to each corner
   // point of the Marker3DBox.

   const Int_t numPoints = 8;
   Int_t dist = 9999;
   Double_t points[3*numPoints];

   TView *view = gPad->GetView();
   if (!view) return dist;
   const Int_t seg1[12] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3};
   const Int_t seg2[12] = {1,2,3,0,5,6,7,4,4,5,6,7};


   Int_t i, i1, i2, dsegment;
   Double_t x1,y1,x2,y2;
   Double_t xndc[3];
   for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
      i1 = 3*seg1[i];
      view->WCtoNDC(&points[i1], xndc);
      x1 = xndc[0];
      y1 = xndc[1];

      i2 = 3*seg2[i];
      view->WCtoNDC(&points[i2], xndc);
      x2 = xndc[0];
      y2 = xndc[1];
      dsegment = DistancetoLine(px,py,x1,y1,x2,y2);
      if (dsegment < dist) dist = dsegment;
   if (dist < 5) {
      if (fRefObject) {gPad->SetSelected(fRefObject); return 0;}
   return dist;

 void TMarker3DBox::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Execute action corresponding to one event
   // This member function must be implemented to realize the action
   // corresponding to the mouse click on the object in the window

   if (gPad->GetView()) gPad->GetView()->ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py);

 void TMarker3DBox::Paint(Option_t * /* option */ )
   static TBuffer3D buffer(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric);

   // Section kCore
   buffer.fID           = this;
   buffer.fColor        = GetLineColor();   
   buffer.fTransparency = 0;    
   buffer.fLocalFrame   = kFALSE; 
   // We fill kCore and kRawSizes on first pass and try with viewer
   Int_t reqSections = gPad->GetViewer3D()->AddObject(buffer);
   if (reqSections == TBuffer3D::kNone) {
   if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRawSizes) {
      Int_t nbPnts = 8;
      Int_t nbSegs = 12;
      Int_t nbPols = 6;
      if (!buffer.SetRawSizes(nbPnts, 3*nbPnts, nbSegs, 3*nbSegs, nbPols, 6*nbPols)) {

   if ((reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRaw) && buffer.SectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRawSizes)) {
      // Points

      // Transform points
      if (gGeometry && !buffer.fLocalFrame) {   
         Double_t dlocal[3];
         Double_t dmaster[3];
         for (UInt_t j=0; j<buffer.NbPnts(); j++) {
            dlocal[0] = buffer.fPnts[3*j];
            dlocal[1] = buffer.fPnts[3*j+1];
            dlocal[2] = buffer.fPnts[3*j+2];
            buffer.fPnts[3*j]   = dmaster[0];
            buffer.fPnts[3*j+1] = dmaster[1];
            buffer.fPnts[3*j+2] = dmaster[2];

      // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 8
      Int_t c = (((GetLineColor()) %8) -1) * 4;
      if (c < 0) c = 0;

      // Segments
      buffer.fSegs[ 0] = c   ; buffer.fSegs[ 1] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[ 2] = 1;
      buffer.fSegs[ 3] = c+1 ; buffer.fSegs[ 4] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[ 5] = 2;
      buffer.fSegs[ 6] = c+1 ; buffer.fSegs[ 7] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[ 8] = 3;
      buffer.fSegs[ 9] = c   ; buffer.fSegs[10] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[11] = 0;
      buffer.fSegs[12] = c+2 ; buffer.fSegs[13] = 4 ; buffer.fSegs[14] = 5;
      buffer.fSegs[15] = c+2 ; buffer.fSegs[16] = 5 ; buffer.fSegs[17] = 6;
      buffer.fSegs[18] = c+3 ; buffer.fSegs[19] = 6 ; buffer.fSegs[20] = 7;
      buffer.fSegs[21] = c+3 ; buffer.fSegs[22] = 7 ; buffer.fSegs[23] = 4;
      buffer.fSegs[24] = c   ; buffer.fSegs[25] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[26] = 4;
      buffer.fSegs[27] = c+2 ; buffer.fSegs[28] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[29] = 5;
      buffer.fSegs[30] = c+1 ; buffer.fSegs[31] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[32] = 6;
      buffer.fSegs[33] = c+3 ; buffer.fSegs[34] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[35] = 7;

      // Polygons
      buffer.fPols[ 0] = c   ; buffer.fPols[ 1] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 2] = 0;
      buffer.fPols[ 3] = 9   ; buffer.fPols[ 4] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 5] = 8;
      buffer.fPols[ 6] = c+1 ; buffer.fPols[ 7] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 8] = 1;
      buffer.fPols[ 9] = 10  ; buffer.fPols[10] = 5 ; buffer.fPols[11] = 9;
      buffer.fPols[12] = c   ; buffer.fPols[13] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[14] = 2;
      buffer.fPols[15] = 11  ; buffer.fPols[16] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[17] = 10;
      buffer.fPols[18] = c+1 ; buffer.fPols[19] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[20] = 3;
      buffer.fPols[21] = 8   ; buffer.fPols[22] = 7 ; buffer.fPols[23] = 11;
      buffer.fPols[24] = c+2 ; buffer.fPols[25] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[26] = 0;
      buffer.fPols[27] = 3   ; buffer.fPols[28] = 2 ; buffer.fPols[29] = 1;
      buffer.fPols[30] = c+3 ; buffer.fPols[31] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[32] = 4;
      buffer.fPols[33] = 5   ; buffer.fPols[34] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[35] = 7;


 void TMarker3DBox::PaintH3(TH1 *h, Option_t *option)
   // Paint 3-d histogram h with marker3dboxes

   Int_t bin,ix,iy,iz;
   Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,wmin,wmax,w;
   TAxis *xaxis = h->GetXaxis();
   TAxis *yaxis = h->GetYaxis();
   TAxis *zaxis = h->GetZaxis();

   //compute min and max of all cells
   wmin = wmax = 0;
   for (iz=zaxis->GetFirst();iz<=zaxis->GetLast();iz++) {
      for (iy=yaxis->GetFirst();iy<=yaxis->GetLast();iy++) {
         for (ix=xaxis->GetFirst();ix<=xaxis->GetLast();ix++) {
            bin = h->GetBin(ix,iy,iz);
            w = h->GetBinContent(bin);
            if (w > wmax) wmax = w;
            if (w < wmin) wmin = w;

   //Create or modify 3-d view object
   TView *view = gPad->GetView();
   if (!view) {
      view = new TView(1);

   //Draw TMarker3DBox with size proportional to cell content
   TMarker3DBox m3;
   Double_t scale;
   for (ix=xaxis->GetFirst();ix<=xaxis->GetLast();ix++) {
      xmin = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ix);
      xmax = xmin + h->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(ix);
      for (iy=yaxis->GetFirst();iy<=yaxis->GetLast();iy++) {
         ymin = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iy);
         ymax = ymin + h->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(iy);
         for (iz=zaxis->GetFirst();iz<=zaxis->GetLast();iz++) {
            zmin = h->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iz);
            zmax = zmin + h->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(iz);
            bin = h->GetBin(ix,iy,iz);
            w = h->GetBinContent(bin);
            if (w == 0) continue;
            scale = (w-wmin)/(wmax-wmin);

 void TMarker3DBox::SavePrimitive(ofstream &out, Option_t *)
    // Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out

   out<<"   "<<endl;
   if (gROOT->ClassSaved(TMarker3DBox::Class())) {
       out<<"   ";
   } else {
       out<<"   TMarker3DBox *";
   out<<"marker3DBox = new TMarker3DBox("<<fX<<","


   out<<"   marker3DBox->Draw();"<<endl;

 void TMarker3DBox::SetDirection(Float_t theta, Float_t phi)
   fTheta = theta;
   fPhi   = phi;

 void TMarker3DBox::SetSize(Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
   fDx = dx;
   fDy = dy;
   fDz = dz;

 void TMarker3DBox::SetPosition(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
   fX  = x;
   fY  = y;
   fZ  = z;

 void TMarker3DBox::SetPoints(Double_t *points) const
   if (points) {
      points[ 0] = -fDx ; points[ 1] = -fDy ; points[ 2] = -fDz;
      points[ 3] = -fDx ; points[ 4] =  fDy ; points[ 5] = -fDz;
      points[ 6] =  fDx ; points[ 7] =  fDy ; points[ 8] = -fDz;
      points[ 9] =  fDx ; points[10] = -fDy ; points[11] = -fDz;
      points[12] = -fDx ; points[13] = -fDy ; points[14] =  fDz;
      points[15] = -fDx ; points[16] =  fDy ; points[17] =  fDz;
      points[18] =  fDx ; points[19] =  fDy ; points[20] =  fDz;
      points[21] =  fDx ; points[22] = -fDy ; points[23] =  fDz;

      Double_t x, y, z;
      const Double_t kPI = TMath::Pi();
      Double_t theta  = fTheta*kPI/180;
      Double_t phi    = fPhi*kPI/180;
      Double_t sinth = TMath::Sin(theta);
      Double_t costh = TMath::Cos(theta);
      Double_t sinfi = TMath::Sin(phi);
      Double_t cosfi = TMath::Cos(phi);
      // Matrix to convert from fruit frame to master frame
      Double_t m[9];
      m[0] =  costh * cosfi;       m[1] = -sinfi;          m[2] = sinth*cosfi;
      m[3] =  costh * sinfi;       m[4] =  cosfi;          m[5] = sinth*sinfi;
      m[6] = -sinth;               m[7] =  0;              m[8] = costh;
      for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
         x = points[3*i];
         y = points[3*i+1];
         z = points[3*i+2];
         points[3*i]   = fX + m[0] * x + m[1] * y + m[2] * z;
         points[3*i+1] = fY + m[3] * x + m[4] * y + m[5] * z;
         points[3*i+2] = fZ + m[6] * x + m[7] * y + m[8] * z;

 void TMarker3DBox::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TMarker3DBox.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 1) {
         TMarker3DBox::Class()->ReadBuffer(R__b, this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      TFile *file = (TFile*)R__b.GetParent();
      if (file) {
         if (file->GetVersion() > 22300) TAtt3D::Streamer(R__b);
      } else {
      R__b >> fX;
      R__b >> fY;
      R__b >> fZ;
      R__b >> fDx;
      R__b >> fDy;
      R__b >> fDz;
      R__b >> fTheta;
      R__b >> fPhi;
      R__b >> fRefObject;
      R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TMarker3DBox::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

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