library: libRooFit #include "RooMath.h" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
static const char* cacheFileName() const
static void initFastCERF(Int_t reBins = 800, Double_t reMin = -4.0, Double_t reMax = 4.0, Int_t imBins = 1000, Double_t imMin = -4.0, Double_t imMax = 6.0)
static Bool_t loadCache()
static void storeCache()
RooMath(const RooMath&)
virtual ~RooMath()
static void cacheCERF(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
static TClass* Class()
static RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(Double_t re, Double_t im = 0)
static RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z)
static Double_t erf(Double_t x)
static Double_t erfc(Double_t x)
static RooComplex FastComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z)
static Double_t FastComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z)
static Double_t FastComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z)
static Double_t interpolate(Double_t* yArr, Int_t nOrder, Double_t x)
static Double_t interpolate(Double_t* xa, Double_t* ya, Int_t n, Double_t x)
virtual TClass* IsA() const
static RooComplex ITPComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
static Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
static Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
RooMath& operator=(const RooMath&)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
static double** _imCerfArray Lookup table for Im part of complex error function
static double** _reCerfArray Lookup table for Re part of complex error function
static Int_t _reBins Number of grid points in real dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _reMin Low edge of real dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _reMax High edge of real dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _reRange Range in real dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _reStep Grid spacing in real dimension of CERF-LUT
static Int_t _imBins Number of grid points in imaginary dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _imMin Low edge of imaginary dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _imMax High edge of imaginary dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _imRange Range in imaginary dimension of CERF-LUT
static Double_t _imStep Grid spacing in imaginary dimension of CERF-LUT
static Bool_t _cacheTable Switch activating use of file cache for CERF-LUT
RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(Double_t re, Double_t im)
Return CERNlib complex error function for Z(re,im)
RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& Z)
Return CERNlib complex error function
This code is translated from the fortran version in the CERN mathlib.
void initFastCERF(Int_t reBins, Double_t reMin, Double_t reMax, Int_t imBins, Double_t imMin, Double_t imMax)
Allocate and initialize lookup table for interpolated complex error function
for given grid parameters
RooComplex ITPComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
Return complex error function interpolated from lookup tabel created
by initFastCERF(). Interpolation is performed in Im and Re plane
to specified order.
Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
Return real component of complex error function interpolated from
lookup table created by initFastCERF(). Interpolation is performed in
Im and Re plane to specified order. This functions is noticably faster
than ITPComplexErrrFunc().re() because only the real lookup table
is interpolated
Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder)
Return real component of complex error function interpolated from
lookup table created by initFastCERF(). Interpolation is performed in
Im and Re plane to specified order. This functions is noticably faster
than ITPComplexErrrFunc().im() because only the imaginary lookup table
is interpolated
Double_t interpolate(Double_t ya[], Int_t n, Double_t x)
Interpolate array 'ya' with 'n' elements for 'x' (between 0 and 'n'-1)
Double_t interpolate(Double_t xa[], Double_t ya[], Int_t n, Double_t x)
Interpolate array 'ya' with 'n' elements for 'xa'
Bool_t loadCache()
Load the complex error function lookup table from the cache file
void storeCache()
Store the complex error function lookup table in the cache file
const char* cacheFileName()
Construct and return the name of the complex error function cache file
Double_t erf(Double_t x)
Double_t erfc(Double_t x)
Inline Functions
void ~RooMath()
RooComplex FastComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z)
Double_t FastComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z)
Double_t FastComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z)
void cacheCERF(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
RooMath RooMath()
RooMath RooMath(const RooMath&)
RooMath& operator=(const RooMath&)
Last update: Tue Jun 28 18:13:45 2005
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
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