Including Figures in a LaTeX document

A figure in a separate PostScript file can be included in a LaTeX document using the epsfig package. Most mathematical/scientific graphics software allows you to save graphics (figures, diagrams, graphs) in PostScript form; this includes Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, IDL, and xfig (a marvelous X figure-drawing program). GIF and JPEG images can be converted to PostScript form with ``xv'', among other methods.

The epsfig package is read if you put the line

near the top of the LaTeX file. Then, where you want the PostScript image to appear, use commands like this:
  \epsfysize=35mm \epsfbox{graph.eps}
where ``epsfysize'' is used to indicate the desired height of the figure in your document (you could instead indicate a desired width by using epsfxsize instead), and \epsfbox{...} encloses the name of the PostScript file.

Two characteristics which the (Encapsulated) PostScript file must have are

If the PostScript file does not include a bounding box line, you can indicate the bounding box numbers manually as options to the epsfbox command, e.g.,
	\epsfbox[72 144 540 544]{graph.eps}

Mathematica graphics

A single graphic image from Mathematica should be saved, using Display, with the "EPS" option to produce an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file. An EPS file contains only one graphic image, and a set of valid bounding box numbers, making it possible to insert the image into a document. An example of usage, where a graphic image gr is defined and then saved in EPS form:

    gr = Plot[Sin[x^2], {x,0,5}];
    Display["mygraph.eps", gr, "Display.html">EPS"]
Then, in your LaTeX document, you can insert that image with commands like
assuming that you have loaded the epsfig package.

If printed directly, this EPS file has the image tucked down into bottom corner of a page. To make a nicer single-image printout of the EPS image you can filter the file through the script program fixmmaps. Download this file to a Unix computer, make it executable (chmod +x fixmmaps), move your Mathematica-generated EPS file to the same directory, and then run the program by typing its name;

   spot>   fixmmaps
The program prompts you for the name of the EPS file (it must end with the .eps or .ps suffix), and gives you a sizing option. But to reiterate, fixmmaps is not necessary for including the EPS image in a LaTeX document; the EPS file generated by Mathematica is sufficient.