// @(#)root/netx:$Name: $:$Id: TXUrl.cxx,v 1.5 2004/12/16 19:23:18 rdm Exp $
// Author: Alvise Dorigo, Fabrizio Furano
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "TXUrl.h"
#include "TXDebug.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TInetAddress.h"
#include <ctype.h> // needed by isdigit()
#ifndef R__WIN32
#include <netdb.h>
using namespace std;
TXUrl::TXUrl(TString Urls) : fIsValid(kTRUE)
// A container for multiple urls.
// It creates an array of multiple urls parsing the argument Urls and
// resolving the DNS aliases
// Urls MUST be in the form:
// root://[username1@]server1:port1[,[username2@]server2:port2, ... ,
// [usernameN@]serverN:portN]/pathfile
// Using the method GetNextUrl() the user can obtain the next TUrl object pointer in the array
// (the array is cyclic).
// Using the method GetARandomUrl() the user can obtain a random TUrl from the array
UrlArray urlArray;
TString listOfMachines;
TString protoToMatch(PROTO);
protoToMatch += "://";
// Init of the random number generator with the internal clock as a seed
// We assume the protol is "root://", because this
// must be the protocol for TXNetFile
if ( !Urls.BeginsWith(protoToMatch) ) {
Error("TXUrl", "This is not a %s protocol.", protoToMatch.Data() );
fIsValid = kFALSE;
} else
// remove leading 'root://' from the string
// Now sUrls will contain [user1@]machine1[:port1],...,
// [userN]machineN[:portN]/pathfile
Urls.Remove( 0, protoToMatch.Length() );
// Save the list of comma separated servers:ports, assuming they are
// separated by a '/' char from the pathfile
listOfMachines = Urls;
Short_t slashPos = (Short_t)Urls.First('/');
if( slashPos != kNPOS) {
// remove trailing "," that would introduce a null host
while (listOfMachines.EndsWith(","))
// remove leading "," that would introduce a null host
while (listOfMachines.BeginsWith(","))
if(DebugLevel() >= kUSERDEBUG)
Info("TXUrl", "List of servers to connect to is [%s]",
// Set fPathName
fPathName = "";
if( slashPos != kNPOS) {
fPathName = Urls;
fPathName.Remove(0, slashPos);
// If at this point we have a strange pathfile, then it's bad
if ( fPathName.CompareTo("/") == 0 ) {
Error("TXUrl", "Malformed pathfile %s", fPathName.Data());
fIsValid = kFALSE;
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Info("TXUrl", "Remote file to open is [%s]", fPathName.Data());
if (fIsValid) {
ConvertDNSAliases(fUrlArray, listOfMachines, fPathName);
if (fUrlArray.size() <= 0)
fIsValid = kFALSE;
if(DebugLevel() >= kUSERDEBUG)
for( UShort_t i=0; i < fUrlArray.size(); i++)
SafeDelete( fUrlArray[i] );
TUrl *TXUrl::GetNextUrl()
// Returns the next TUrl object pointer in the array.
// After the last object is returned, the array is rewind-ed.
// Now implemented as a pick from the tmpUrlArray queue
TUrl *retval;
if ( !fTmpUrlArray.size() ) Rewind();
retval = fTmpUrlArray.back();
return retval;
void TXUrl::Rewind()
// Rebuilds tmpUrlArray, i..e the urls that have to be picked
for( UShort_t i=0; i <= fUrlArray.size()-1; i++)
fTmpUrlArray.push_back( fUrlArray[i] );
TUrl *TXUrl::GetARandomUrl()
TUrl *retval;
UInt_t rnd;
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
rnd = fRndgen.Integer(fTmpUrlArray.size());
// Returns a random url from the ones that have to be picked
// When all the urls have been picked, we restart from the full url set
if ( !fTmpUrlArray.size() ) Rewind();
UrlArray::iterator it = fTmpUrlArray.begin() + rnd;
retval = *it;
return retval;
void TXUrl::ShowUrls()
// Prints the list of urls
Info("ShowUrls", "The converted URLs count is %d.", fUrlArray.size());
for(UInt_t i=0; i < fUrlArray.size(); i++)
Info("ShowUrls", "URL n.%d: %s .", i+1, fUrlArray[i]->GetUrl());
void TXUrl::CheckPort(TString &machine)
// Checks the validity of port in the given host[:port]
// Eventually completes the port if specified in the services file
Short_t commaPos = machine.First(':');
if(commaPos == kNPOS) {
// Port not specified
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
"TCP port not specified for host %s. Trying to get it from /etc/services...", machine.Data());
Int_t prt = gSystem->GetServiceByName("rootd");
if(prt <= 0) {
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Warning("checkPort", "Service %s not specified in /etc/services; using default IANA tcp port 1094", PROTO);
machine += ":1094";
} else {
if (DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Info("checkPort", "Found tcp port %d in /etc/service", prt);
machine += ":";
machine += prt;
} else {
// The port seems there
TString tmp(machine);
tmp.Remove(0, commaPos+1);
TString sPort = tmp;
if(sPort.CompareTo("") == 0)
Error("checkPort","The specified tcp port is 0 for %s", machine.Data());
else {
for(Short_t i=0; i<=sPort.Length()-1; i++)
if(isdigit(sPort[i]) == 0) {
Error("checkPort","The specified tcp port is not numeric for %s", machine.Data());
Bool_t TXUrl::ConvertSingleDNSAlias(UrlArray& urls, TString hostname,
TString fname)
// Converts a single host[:port] into an array of TUrls.
// The new Turls are appended to the given UrlArray.
Bool_t specifiedPort;
Int_t port = 0;
TString tmpaddr;
specifiedPort = ( hostname.First(':') != kNPOS );
TUrl tmp(hostname.Data());
if(specifiedPort) {
port = tmp.GetPort();
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Info("ConvertSingleDNSAlias","Resolving %s:%d.", tmp.GetHost(), port);
} else
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Info("ConvertSingleDNSAlias","Resolving %s.", tmp.GetHost());
TInetAddress iaddr = gSystem->GetHostByName(tmp.GetHost());
if(!iaddr.IsValid()) {
#ifndef R__WIN32
Error("ConvertSingleDNSAlias","GetHostByName error for host %s (%s)",
tmp.GetHost(), hstrerror(h_errno));
Error("ConvertSingleDNSAlias","GetHostByName error for host %s",
return kFALSE;
// Let's get the list of the addresses for the host
TInetAddress::AddressList_t::const_iterator j =
for ( ; j != iaddr.GetAddresses().end(); j++) {
const char *addr = TInetAddress::GetHostAddress(*j);
TInetAddress c = gSystem->GetHostByName(addr);
// Set the user for the child urls
tmpaddr = "";
if ( strlen(tmp.GetUser()) ) {
tmpaddr = tmp.GetUser();
tmpaddr += "@";
if (!strcmp(c.GetHostName(), "UnNamedHost"))
tmpaddr += addr;
tmpaddr += c.GetHostName();
if(DebugLevel() >= kHIDEBUG)
Info("ConvertSingleDNSAlias","Found host %s", tmpaddr.Data() );
if(specifiedPort) {
char Port[7];
memset((void *)Port, 0, 7);
sprintf((char *)Port, "%d", port);
if (fname.Length())
urls.push_back( new TUrl(tmpaddr.Data()) );
return (urls.size() > 0);
void TXUrl::ConvertDNSAliases(UrlArray& urls, TString list, TString fname)
// Given a list of comma-separated host[:port]
// every entry is resolved via DNS into its aliases
// The parameter is overwritten with the processed data
Short_t colonPos;
list += ",";
while(list.Length() > 0) {
colonPos = list.First(',');
if (colonPos != kNPOS) {
TString tmp(list);
ConvertSingleDNSAlias(urls, tmp, fname);
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