// @(#)root/net:$Name:  $:$Id: TSecContext.cxx,v 1.10 2005/09/02 19:34:49 brun Exp $
// Author: G. Ganis   19/03/2003

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TSecContext                                                          //
//                                                                      //
// Contains details about an established security context               //
// Used by THostAuth                                                    //
//                                                                      //

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "TSecContext.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TUrl.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"


 TSecContext::TSecContext(const char *user, const char *host, Int_t meth,
                         Int_t offset, const char *id,
                         const char *token, TDatime expdate, void *ctx)
            : TObject()
   // Ctor for SecContext object.

   fContext = ctx;
   fCleanup = new TList;
   fExpDate = expdate;
   if (offset > -1) {
      if (fExpDate < TDatime()) {
         // This means expdate was not initialized
         // We set it to default, ie 1 day from now
         fExpDate.Set(TDatime().GetDate() + 1, TDatime().GetTime());
   fHost    = host;
   fID      = id;
   fMethod  = meth;
   fMethodName = "";
   fOffSet  = offset;
   fToken   = token;
   fUser    = user;

   // Keep official list updated with active TSecContexts
   if (fOffSet > -1) {

 TSecContext::TSecContext(const char *url, Int_t meth, Int_t offset,
                         const char *token, const char *id,
                         TDatime expdate, void *ctx)
            : TObject()
   // Ctor for SecContext object.
   // User and host from url = user@host .

   fContext = ctx;
   fCleanup = new TList;
   fExpDate = expdate;
   if (offset > -1) {
      if (fExpDate < TDatime()) {
         // This means expdate was not initialized
         // We set it to default, ie 1 day from now
         fExpDate.Set(TDatime().GetDate() + 1, TDatime().GetTime());
   fHost    = TUrl(url).GetHost();
   fID      = id;
   fMethod  = meth;
   fMethodName = "";
   fOffSet  = offset;
   fToken   = token;
   fUser    = TUrl(url).GetUser();

   // Keep official list updated with active TSecContexts
   if (fOffSet > -1) {

   // Dtor: delete (deActivate, local/remote cleanup, list removal)
   // all what is still active 

 void TSecContext::Cleanup()
   // Cleanup what is still active

   if (IsActive()) {
      // All have been remotely Deactivated
      TIter nxtl(gROOT->GetListOfSecContexts());
      TSecContext *nscl;
      while ((nscl = (TSecContext *)nxtl())) {
         if (nscl != this && !strcmp(nscl->GetHost(), fHost.Data())) {
            // Need to set ofs=-1 to avoid sending another
            // cleanup request

   // Delete the cleanup list
   if (fCleanup) {
      delete fCleanup;
      fCleanup = 0;

 void TSecContext::DeActivate(Option_t *Opt)
   // Set OffSet to -1 and expiring Date to default
   // Remove from the list
   // If Opt contains "C" or "c", ask for remote cleanup
   // If Opt contains "R" or "r", remove from the list
   // Default Opt="CR"

   // Ask remote cleanup of this context
   Bool_t clean = (strstr(Opt,"C") || strstr(Opt,"c"));
   if (clean && fOffSet > -1)

   Bool_t remove = (strstr(Opt,"R") || strstr(Opt,"r"));
   if (remove && fOffSet > -1){
      // Remove from the global list

   // Set inactive
   fOffSet  = -1;
   fExpDate = kROOTTZERO;

 void TSecContext::AddForCleanup(Int_t port, Int_t proto, Int_t type)
   // Create a new TSecContextCleanup
   // Internally is added to the list

   TSecContextCleanup *tscc = new TSecContextCleanup(port, proto, type);


 Bool_t TSecContext::IsA(const char *methname)
   // Checks if this security context is for method named 'methname'
   // Case sensitive.

   return Bool_t(!strcmp(methname, GetMethodName()));

 Bool_t TSecContext::IsActive() const
   // Check remote OffSet and expiring Date

   if (fOffSet > -1 && fExpDate > TDatime())
      return kTRUE;
   // Invalid
   return kFALSE;

 void TSecContext::Print(Option_t *opt) const
   // If opt is "F" (default) print object content.
   // If opt is "<number>" print in special form for calls within THostAuth
   // with cardinality <number>
   // If opt is "S" prints short in-line form for calls within TFTP,
   // TSlave, TProof ...

   char aOrd[10] = {0};
   char aSpc[10] = {0};

   // Check if option is numeric
   Int_t ord = -1, i = 0;
   for (; i < (Int_t)strlen(opt); i++) {
      if (opt[i] < 48 || opt[i] > 57) {
         ord = -2;
   // If numeric get the cardinality and prepare the strings
   if (ord == -1)
      ord = atoi(opt);

   // If asked to print ordinal number, preapre the string
   if (ord > -1) {
      // and take care of alignment
      Int_t len=strlen(aOrd);
      while (len--)
         strcat(aSpc," ");

   if (!strncasecmp(opt,"F",1)) {
           "+ Host:%s Method:%d (%s) User:'%s'",
            GetHost(), fMethod, GetMethodName(),
           "+         OffSet:%d, id:%s", fOffSet, fID.Data());
      if (fOffSet > -1)
           "+         Expiration time: %s",fExpDate.AsString());
   } else if (!strncasecmp(opt,"S",1)) {
      if (fOffSet > -1) {
         Printf("Security context:     Method: %d (%s) expiring on %s",
                fMethod, GetMethodName(),
      } else {
         Printf("Security context:     Method: %d (%s) not reusable",
                fMethod, GetMethodName());
   } else {
      // special printing form for THostAuth
      Info("PrintEstblshed","+ %s h:%s met:%d (%s) us:'%s'",
            aOrd, GetHost(), fMethod, GetMethodName(),
      Info("PrintEstblshed","+ %s offset:%d id:%s", aSpc, fOffSet, fID.Data());
      if (fOffSet > -1)
         Info("PrintEstblshed","+ %s expiring: %s",aSpc,fExpDate.AsString());

 const char *TSecContext::AsString(TString &out)
   // Returns short string with relevant information about this
   // security context

   if (fOffSet > -1) {
      char expdate[32];
      out = Form("Method: %d (%s) expiring on %s",
                 fMethod, GetMethodName(), fExpDate.AsString(expdate));
   } else {
      if (fOffSet == -1)
         out = Form("Method: %d (%s) not reusable", fMethod, GetMethodName());
      else if (fOffSet == -3)
         out = Form("Method: %d (%s) authorized by /etc/hosts.equiv or $HOME/.rhosts",
                    fMethod, GetMethodName());
      else if (fOffSet == -4)
         out = Form("No authentication required remotely");
   return out.Data();

 Bool_t TSecContext::CleanupSecContext(Bool_t)
   // Ask remote client to cleanup security context 'ctx'
   // If 'all', all sec context with the same host as ctx
   // are cleaned.

   return kFALSE;

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