// @(#)root/gl:$Name: $:$Id: TGLCamera.cxx,v 1.16 2005/08/30 10:29:52 brun Exp $
// Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005
// Parts taken from original by Timur Pocheptsov
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// TODO: Function descriptions
// TODO: Class def - same as header
#include "TGLCamera.h"
#include "TGLIncludes.h"
#include "TGLBoundingBox.h"
#include "TError.h"
const Double_t TGLCamera::fgInterestBoxExpansion = 1.3;
TGLCamera::TGLCamera() :
fProjM(), fModVM(), fClipM(),
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < kPlanesPerFrustum; i++ ) {
fFrustumPlanes[i].Set(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
void TGLCamera::SetViewport(const TGLRect & viewport)
fViewport = viewport;
fCacheDirty = true;
void TGLCamera::UpdateCache()
// Update internal cached values
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, fProjM.Arr());
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, fModVM.Arr());
// Multiply projection by modelview to get the clip matrix
// TODO: Move this into TGLMatrix or shift all over to ROOT ones
fClipM[ 0] = fModVM[ 0] * fProjM[ 0] + fModVM[ 1] * fProjM[ 4] + fModVM[ 2] * fProjM[ 8] + fModVM[ 3] * fProjM[12];
fClipM[ 1] = fModVM[ 0] * fProjM[ 1] + fModVM[ 1] * fProjM[ 5] + fModVM[ 2] * fProjM[ 9] + fModVM[ 3] * fProjM[13];
fClipM[ 2] = fModVM[ 0] * fProjM[ 2] + fModVM[ 1] * fProjM[ 6] + fModVM[ 2] * fProjM[10] + fModVM[ 3] * fProjM[14];
fClipM[ 3] = fModVM[ 0] * fProjM[ 3] + fModVM[ 1] * fProjM[ 7] + fModVM[ 2] * fProjM[11] + fModVM[ 3] * fProjM[15];
fClipM[ 4] = fModVM[ 4] * fProjM[ 0] + fModVM[ 5] * fProjM[ 4] + fModVM[ 6] * fProjM[ 8] + fModVM[ 7] * fProjM[12];
fClipM[ 5] = fModVM[ 4] * fProjM[ 1] + fModVM[ 5] * fProjM[ 5] + fModVM[ 6] * fProjM[ 9] + fModVM[ 7] * fProjM[13];
fClipM[ 6] = fModVM[ 4] * fProjM[ 2] + fModVM[ 5] * fProjM[ 6] + fModVM[ 6] * fProjM[10] + fModVM[ 7] * fProjM[14];
fClipM[ 7] = fModVM[ 4] * fProjM[ 3] + fModVM[ 5] * fProjM[ 7] + fModVM[ 6] * fProjM[11] + fModVM[ 7] * fProjM[15];
fClipM[ 8] = fModVM[ 8] * fProjM[ 0] + fModVM[ 9] * fProjM[ 4] + fModVM[10] * fProjM[ 8] + fModVM[11] * fProjM[12];
fClipM[ 9] = fModVM[ 8] * fProjM[ 1] + fModVM[ 9] * fProjM[ 5] + fModVM[10] * fProjM[ 9] + fModVM[11] * fProjM[13];
fClipM[10] = fModVM[ 8] * fProjM[ 2] + fModVM[ 9] * fProjM[ 6] + fModVM[10] * fProjM[10] + fModVM[11] * fProjM[14];
fClipM[11] = fModVM[ 8] * fProjM[ 3] + fModVM[ 9] * fProjM[ 7] + fModVM[10] * fProjM[11] + fModVM[11] * fProjM[15];
fClipM[12] = fModVM[12] * fProjM[ 0] + fModVM[13] * fProjM[ 4] + fModVM[14] * fProjM[ 8] + fModVM[15] * fProjM[12];
fClipM[13] = fModVM[12] * fProjM[ 1] + fModVM[13] * fProjM[ 5] + fModVM[14] * fProjM[ 9] + fModVM[15] * fProjM[13];
fClipM[14] = fModVM[12] * fProjM[ 2] + fModVM[13] * fProjM[ 6] + fModVM[14] * fProjM[10] + fModVM[15] * fProjM[14];
fClipM[15] = fModVM[12] * fProjM[ 3] + fModVM[13] * fProjM[ 7] + fModVM[14] * fProjM[11] + fModVM[15] * fProjM[15];
// RIGHT clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 0],
fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 4],
fClipM[11] - fClipM[ 8],
fClipM[15] - fClipM[12]);
// LEFT clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 0],
fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 4],
fClipM[11] + fClipM[ 8],
fClipM[15] + fClipM[12]);
// BOTTOM clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kBOTTOM].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 1],
fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 5],
fClipM[11] + fClipM[ 9],
fClipM[15] + fClipM[13]);
// TOP clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kTOP].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 1],
fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 5],
fClipM[11] - fClipM[ 9],
fClipM[15] - fClipM[13]);
// FAR clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kFAR].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 2],
fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 6],
fClipM[11] - fClipM[10],
fClipM[15] - fClipM[14]);
// NEAR clipping plane
fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 2],
fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 6],
fClipM[11] + fClipM[10],
fClipM[15] + fClipM[14]);
fCacheDirty = kFALSE;
TGLBoundingBox TGLCamera::Frustum(Bool_t asBox) const
// Return the the current camera frustum. If asBox == FALSE return
// a true frustum (truncated square based pyramid). If asBox == TRUE
// return a true box, using the far clipping plane intersection projected
// back to the near plane
// TODO: BoundingBox return name is misleading - and not always valid
// Need a generic bounding volume object
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty");
TGLVertex3 vertex[8];
// 7-------6
// /| /|
// 3-------2 |
// | 4-----|-5
// |/ |/
// 0-------1
// Get four vertices of frustum on the far clipping plane
vertex[4] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFAR], fFrustumPlanes[kBOTTOM], fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT]);
vertex[5] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFAR], fFrustumPlanes[kBOTTOM], fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT]);
vertex[6] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFAR], fFrustumPlanes[kTOP], fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT]);
vertex[7] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFAR], fFrustumPlanes[kTOP], fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT]);
if (asBox) {
// Now find the matching four verticies for above, projected onto near clip plane
// As near and far clip planes are parallel this forms a orientated box encompassing the frustum
vertex[0] = fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].NearestOn(vertex[4]);
vertex[1] = fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].NearestOn(vertex[5]);
vertex[2] = fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].NearestOn(vertex[6]);
vertex[3] = fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].NearestOn(vertex[7]);
} else {
// returing true frustum - find verticies at near clipping plane
vertex[0] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR], fFrustumPlanes[kBOTTOM], fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT]);
vertex[1] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR], fFrustumPlanes[kBOTTOM], fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT]);
vertex[2] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR], fFrustumPlanes[kTOP], fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT]);
vertex[3] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR], fFrustumPlanes[kTOP], fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT]);
return TGLBoundingBox(vertex);
TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::EyePoint() const
// Extract the camera eye point using the current frustum planes
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty");
return Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kRIGHT], fFrustumPlanes[kLEFT], fFrustumPlanes[kTOP]);
TGLVector3 TGLCamera::EyeDirection() const
// Extract the camera eye direction using the current frustum planes
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty");
// Direction is just normal of near clipping plane
return fFrustumPlanes[kNEAR].Norm();
EOverlap TGLCamera::FrustumOverlap(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::FrustumOverlap()", "cache dirty");
// Test shape against each plane in frustum - returning overlap result
// This method can result in kFALSE positives, where shape lies outside
// frustum, but not outside a single plane of it. In this case the shape
// will be regarded incorrectly as intersecting (kPartial)
// TODO: Improve this - have a reliable test (seperating axes).
Int_t planesInside = 0; // Assume outside to start
for (Int_t planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < kPlanesPerFrustum; ++planeIndex) {
EOverlap planeOverlap = box.Overlap(fFrustumPlanes[planeIndex]);
// Special case - any object which comes through the near clipping
// plane is completely removed - disabled at present
// TODO: In future may want to fade object (opacity) as they approach
// near clip - how will this be returned? template pair?
/*if (planeIndex == kNEAR && planeOverlap == kPartial) {
return kOutside;
// Once we find a single plane which shape is outside, we are outside the frustum
if ( planeOverlap == kOutside ) {
return kOutside;
} else if ( planeOverlap == kInside ) {
// Completely inside frustum
if ( planesInside == kPlanesPerFrustum ) {
return kInside;
} else {
return kPartial;
EOverlap TGLCamera::ViewportOverlap(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
// No cached values need here
return ViewportSize(box).Overlap(fViewport);
TGLRect TGLCamera::ViewportSize(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::ViewportSize()", "cache dirty");
// May often result in a rect bigger then the viewport
// as gluProject does not clip.
Double_t winX, winY, winZ;
TGLRect screenRect;
// Find the projection of the 8 vertexs of the bounding box onto screen
// and the enclosing rect round these.
for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
const TGLVertex3 & vertex = box[i];
//TODO: Convert TGLRect so this not required
GLint viewport[4] = { fViewport.X(), fViewport.Y(), fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height() };
gluProject(vertex.X(), vertex.Y(), vertex.Z(), fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), viewport, &winX, &winY, &winZ);
if (i == 0) {
else {
screenRect.Expand(static_cast<Int_t>(winX), static_cast<Int_t>(winY));
return screenRect;
TGLVector3 TGLCamera::ProjectedShift(const TGLVertex3 & vertex, Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta) const
if (fCacheDirty) {
Error("TGLCamera::ProjectedShift()", "cache dirty");
//TODO: Convert TGLRect so this not required
GLint viewport[4] = { fViewport.X(), fViewport.Y(), fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height() };
TGLVertex3 winVertex;
gluProject(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), viewport, &winVertex[0], &winVertex[1], &winVertex[2]);
winVertex.Shift(xDelta, yDelta, 0.0);
TGLVertex3 newVertex;
gluUnProject(winVertex[0], winVertex[1], winVertex[2], fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), viewport, &newVertex[0], &newVertex[1], &newVertex[2]);
return (newVertex - vertex);
Bool_t TGLCamera::OfInterest(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
Bool_t interest = kFALSE;
// If interest box is empty we take everything with volume larger than
// 1% of largest seen so far
if (fInterestBox.IsEmpty()) {
if (box.Volume() >= fLargestInterest * 0.01) {
if (box.Volume() > fLargestInterest) {
fLargestInterest = box.Volume();
interest = kTRUE;
} else {
// We have a valid interest box
// Objects are of interest if the have sufficient length or volume ratio c.f.
// the current interest box, and they at least partially overlap it
Double_t lengthRatio = box.Extents().Mag() / fInterestBox.Extents().Mag();
// Some objects have zero volume BBs - e.g. single points - skip the volume ratio
// test for these - no way to threshold on 0
Double_t volumeRatio = 1.0;
if (!box.IsEmpty()) {
volumeRatio = box.Volume() / fInterestBox.Volume();
if ((lengthRatio > 0.001) || (volumeRatio > 0.0001)) {
interest = fInterestBox.Overlap(box) != kOutside;
return interest;
Bool_t TGLCamera::UpdateInterest(Bool_t force)
Bool_t exposedUpdate = kFALSE;
// Construct a new interest box using the current frustum box as a basis
TGLBoundingBox frustumBox = Frustum(kTRUE);
TGLBoundingBox newInterestBox(frustumBox);
// The Z(2) axis of frustum (near->far plane) can be quite shallow c.f. X(0)/Y(1)
// For interest box we want to expand to ensure it is at least size
// of smaller X/Y to avoid excessive interest box recalculations
TGLVector3 frustumExtents = frustumBox.Extents();
Double_t minBoxLength = frustumExtents.Mag() * fgInterestBoxExpansion;
newInterestBox.Scale(minBoxLength/frustumExtents[0], minBoxLength/frustumExtents[1], minBoxLength/frustumExtents[2]);
// Expand the interest box
// Calculate volume ratio of new to old
Double_t volRatio = 0.0;
if (!fInterestBox.IsEmpty()) {
volRatio = newInterestBox.Volume() / fInterestBox.Volume();
// Update the existing interest box with new one if:
// i) Volume ratio old/new interest has changed significantly
// ii) The current frustum is not inside existing interest
// iii) Force case (debugging)
if (volRatio > 8.0 || volRatio < 0.125 || fInterestBox.IsEmpty() ||
fInterestBox.Overlap(frustumBox) != kInside || force) {
fPreviousInterestBox = fInterestBox;
fInterestBox = newInterestBox;
// Frustum should be fully contained now
if (fInterestBox.Overlap(frustumBox) != kInside) {
Error("TGLCamera::UpdateInterest", "update interest box does not contain frustum");
exposedUpdate = kTRUE;
// Keep the real frustum (real and box versions) as debuging aid
fInterestFrustum = Frustum(kFALSE);
fInterestFrustumAsBox = frustumBox;
if (gDebug>2 || force) {
Info("TGLCamera::UpdateInterest", "changed - volume ratio %f", volRatio );
return exposedUpdate;
void TGLCamera::ResetInterest()
fLargestInterest = 0.0;
Bool_t TGLCamera::AdjustAndClampVal(Double_t & val, Double_t min, Double_t max,
Int_t screenShift, Int_t screenShiftRange,
Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const
if (screenShift == 0) {
return kFALSE;
// Calculate a sensitivity based on passed modifiers
Double_t sens = 1.0;
if (mod1) {
sens *= 0.1;
if (mod2) {
sens *= 0.1;
} else {
if (mod2) {
sens *= 10.0;
Double_t oldVal = val;
Double_t shift = static_cast<Double_t>(screenShift) * (val-min) * sens / static_cast<Double_t>(screenShiftRange);
val -= shift;
if (val < min) {
val = min;
else if (val > max) {
val = max;
if (val != oldVal)
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
void TGLCamera::DrawDebugAids() const
// Draw out some debugging aids for the camera:
// i) The frustum used to create the current interest box (RED)
// ii) The same frustum as a squared off box (ORANGE)
// iii) The axis aligned version of the frustum used as interest box basis (YELLOW)
// iv) The current interest box (BLUE)
// Interest box frustum base (RED)
// Interest box frustum as box (ORANGE)
// Current Interest box (BLUE)
// Previous interest (GREY)
// Also draw line from current eye point out in eye direction - should not
// appear if calculated correctly
TGLVertex3 start = EyePoint();
TGLVertex3 end = start + EyeDirection();
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