* Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooGraphNode.cc,v 1.15 2005/06/20 15:44:53 wverkerke Exp $
* Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooGraphNode.h"
#include "RooGraphNode.h"
#include "TEllipse.h"
#include "TText.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "RooGraphEdge.h"
#include "RooGraphSpring.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//RooGraphNode: //
// //
//The purpose of this class is to create nodes, based from the TEllipse class//
//that have a position, name, and energy that is drawn on the graph with the //
//node. The energy is determined by the topology of the system of nodes the //
//node is drawn with and the edges it is attached with and is calculated from//
//a system of strings that attach all the nodes in the system. //
//Node default constructor
fX1 = 0;
fY1 = 0;
fR1 = .03;
fR2 = .03;
ftext = "0";
RooGraphNode::RooGraphNode(double x, double y)
//Node constructor with default radius and text
fX1 = x;
fY1 = y;
fR1 = .03;
fR2 = .03;
ftext = "0";
fnumber = 0;
RooGraphNode::RooGraphNode(double x, double y, double w, double l, TString text)
//Node standard constructor
fnumber= 0;
void RooGraphNode::paint()
//Paints Node to canvas by painting an ellipse and text at that location
TEllipse *e = new TEllipse(fX1,fY1,fR1,fR2);
TText *t = new TText(fX1,fY1,ftext);
char text[20];
//int precision = 5;
sprintf(text,"%.7f",fnumber) ;
TText *n = new TText(fX1,fY1,text);
void RooGraphNode::draw()
//Draws Node to canvas
TEllipse *e = new TEllipse(fX1,fY1,fR1,fR2);
double y = fY1 + fR1;
if (ftext != "0")
TText *t = new TText(fX1,y,ftext);
if (fnumber != 0)
{ char text[20];
//int precision = 5;
sprintf(text,"%.7f",fnumber) ;
TText *n = new TText(fX1,fY1,text);
void RooGraphNode::draw(int color)
//Draws Node to canvas with given color
TEllipse *e = new TEllipse(fX1,fY1,fR1,fR2);
double y = fY1 + fR1;
if (ftext != "0")
{ TText *t = new TText(fX1,y,ftext);
if (fnumber != 0)
{ char text[20];
//int precision = 5;
sprintf(text,"%.7f",fnumber) ;
TText *n = new TText(fX1,fY1,text);
void RooGraphNode::print() const
//outputs location and size of the node to screen
cout << "x = " << fX1 << ", y = " << fY1 << endl;
cout << "radius = " << fR1 << endl;
void RooGraphNode::read(ifstream &file)
//Reads the properties of the node from a file of a set format
double ix;
double iy;
double iw;
double il;
TString itext;
char eol;
file.seekg(4, ios::cur
file >> ix >> iy >> iw >> il >> itext;
fX1 = ix;
fY1 = iy;
fR1 = iw;
fR2 = il;
ftext = itext;
void RooGraphNode::ReadPDF(ifstream &file)
//Reads the properties of the node from a file created from the PDF info
TString itext;
double value;
char equals;
file >> itext >> equals >> value;
char line[50];
file.getline(line, 50);
ftext = itext;
fnumber = value;
void RooGraphNode::SetCoords(double x, double y)
//Changes the coordinates of the node to the given values
fX1 = x;
fY1 = y;
void RooGraphNode::SetSize(double w, double l)
//Sets the size of the node to the given values
fR1 = w;
fR2 = l;
void RooGraphNode::SetText(TString text)
//Changes the name and attached string of the node to given string
ftext = text;
void RooGraphNode::GetNumber(double /*number*/)
//draws the given number value to the screen at the node location.
//This is a number or value associated with the node.
char text[20];
// int precision = 5;
sprintf(text,"%.7f",fnumber) ;
TText *t = new TText(fX1,fY1,text);
void RooGraphNode::GetValue(double number, TList *padlist, TList *edges)
RemoveEdges(edges, padlist);
RedrawEdges(edges, 4);
TEllipse *RooGraphNode::GetEllipse(TList *padlist)
//Returns the ellipse that was created by drawing this ellipse to the current
//canvas by finding it from the list of canvas objects.
TObject *obj = padlist->First();
TEllipse *e = 0;
while(obj != 0)
if (obj->InheritsFrom("TEllipse"))
e = dynamic_cast<TEllipse*>(obj);
double x = e->GetX1();
double y = e->GetY1();
if (x==fX1&&y==fY1)
{ break; }
obj = padlist->After(obj);
return e;
void RooGraphNode::RemoveT(TList *padlist)
//Finds and removes the text associated with this node from the list of
//canvas objects
TObject *obj = padlist->First();
while(obj != 0)
if (obj->InheritsFrom("TText"))
TText *txt = dynamic_cast<TText*>(obj);
double x = txt->GetX();
double y = txt->GetY();
double y1 = fY1 + fR1;
if ((x==fX1)&&(y==y1))
{ cout << y;
cout << ", " << y1 << endl;
padlist->Remove(txt); }
obj = padlist->After(obj);
void RooGraphNode::RemoveN(TList *padlist)
//Finds the number associated with this node, created from GetNumber, and
//removes it from the canvas by finding it in the list of canvas objects
TObject *obj = padlist->First();
while(obj != 0)
if (obj->InheritsFrom("TText"))
TText *txt = dynamic_cast<TText*>(obj);
double x = txt->GetX();
double y = txt->GetY();
if (x==fX1&&y==fY1)
{ padlist->Remove(txt); }
obj = padlist->After(obj);
void RooGraphNode::RemoveE(TList *padlist)
//Removes the ellipse associated with this node from the canvas
//This is the only way to redraw the Node in a new location
TEllipse *e = GetEllipse(padlist);
void RooGraphNode::RemoveEdges(TList *edges, TList *padlist)
//Finds all the edges associated with this node by searching a list of all
//the edges on the canvas, and then finds them in the list of canvas objects
//and removes them from the canvas.
//This is the only way the edges can be redrawn in new location
RooGraphEdge *edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->First());
while (edge != 0)
if ((fX1==edge->GetX1()&&fY1==edge->GetY1())||(fX1==edge->GetX2()&&fY1==edge->GetY2()))
TObject *obj = edge->GetType(padlist);
edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->After(edge));
void RooGraphNode::RedrawEdges(TList *edges)
//Redraws the edges associated with this node.
RooGraphEdge *edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->First());
while(edge != 0)
double x1 = edge->GetX1();
double y1 = edge->GetY1();
double x2 = edge->GetX2();
double y2 = edge->GetY2();
if ((x1==fX1||x2==fX1)&&(y1==fY1||y2==fY1))
{ edge->Connect(); }
edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->After(edge));
void RooGraphNode::RedrawEdges(TList *edges, int color)
//Redraws the edges associated with this node in the given color
RooGraphEdge *edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->First());
while(edge != 0)
double x1 = edge->GetX1();
double y1 = edge->GetY1();
double x2 = edge->GetX2();
double y2 = edge->GetY2();
if ((x1==fX1||x2==fX1)&&(y1==fY1||y2==fY1))
{ edge->Connect(color); }
edge = dynamic_cast<RooGraphEdge*>(edges->After(edge));
void RooGraphNode::NodesSprings(TList *springs, TList *nodessprings)
//Finds all the springs associated witht this node from the list of springs
//existing and puts them into a list.
RooGraphSpring *spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(springs->First());
while (spring != 0)
if (fX1==spring->GetX1()&&fY1==spring->GetY1())
nodessprings->AddLast(spring); //adds this spring to the list
if (fX1==spring->GetX2()&&fY1==spring->GetY2())
spring->SwitchNodes(); //makes this node first node
nodessprings->AddLast(spring); //adds this spring to the list
spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(springs->After(spring));
double RooGraphNode::GetTotalEChange(TList *nodessprings)
//Returns the total change in energy for this node
RooGraphSpring *spring=dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->First());
double tex = 0;
double tey = 0;
while (spring != 0)
double ex = spring->GetSpringDEnergy('x');
double ey = spring->GetSpringDEnergy('y');
tex = tex + ex;
tey = tey + ey;
spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->After(spring));
double echange = sqrt(tex*tex + tey*tey);
return echange;
double RooGraphNode::GetTotalE(TList *nodessprings, char m)
//Returns the derivative of the energy of this node with respect to either
//x or y, which is determined by the input character m
RooGraphSpring *spring=dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->First());
double tex = 0;
double tey = 0;
while (spring != 0)
double ex = spring->GetSpringDEnergy('x');
double ey = spring ->GetSpringDEnergy('y');
tex = tex + ex;
tey = tey + ey;
spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->After(spring));
double return_value = 0;
if (m=='x')
return_value = tex;
if (m=='y')
return_value = tey;
return return_value;
double RooGraphNode::GetTotalE2(TList *nodessprings, char m)
//Returns the second derivative of the energy of the node with respect to
//x or y, determined by the input character m
RooGraphSpring *spring=dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->First());
double tex = 0;
double tey = 0;
while (spring != 0)
double ex = spring->GetSpringD2Energy('x');
tex = tex + ex;
double ey = spring->GetSpringD2Energy('y');
tey = tey + ey;
spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->After(spring));
double return_value = 0;
if (m=='x')
return_value = tex;
if (m=='y')
return_value = tey;
return return_value;
double RooGraphNode::GetTotalExy(TList *nodessprings)
//Returns the double derivative of the energy of the node with respect to
//both x and y
RooGraphSpring *spring=dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->First());
double texy = 0;
while (spring != 0)
double exy = spring->GetSpringDxyEnergy();
texy = texy + exy;
spring = dynamic_cast<RooGraphSpring*>(nodessprings->After(spring));
return texy;
void RooGraphNode::GetDxDy(double &dx, double &dy, TList *nodessprings)
//Solves for two parameters, dx and dy, which are the change in the possition
//of the node necessary to reduce it's energy
double ex = GetTotalE(nodessprings, 'x');
double ey = GetTotalE(nodessprings, 'y');
double exd = GetTotalE2(nodessprings, 'x');
double eyd = GetTotalE2(nodessprings, 'y');
double exy = GetTotalExy(nodessprings);
dx = ((exy*ey-eyd*ex)/(eyd*exd-exy*exy));
dy = ((exd*ey-exy*ex)/(exy*exy-exd*eyd));
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