* Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooAbsPdf.cc,v 1.99 2005/06/21 16:42:28 wverkerke Exp $
* Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
// RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density
// functions The class provides hybrid analytical/numerical
// normalization for its implementations, error tracing and a MC
// generator interface.
// A minimal implementation of a PDF class derived from RooAbsPdf
// should overload the evaluate() function. This functions should
// return PDFs value.
// [Normalization/Integration]
// Although the normalization of a PDF is an integral part of a
// probability density function, normalization is treated separately
// in RooAbsPdf. The reason is that a RooAbsPdf object is more than a
// PDF: it can be a building block for a more complex, composite PDF
// if any of its variables are functions instead of fundamentals. In
// such cases the normalization of the composite may not be simply the
// integral over the dependents of the top level PDF as these are
// functions with potentially non-trivial Jacobian terms themselves.
// Therefore
// --> No explicit attempt should be made to normalize
// the functions output in evaluate().
// In addition, RooAbsPdf objects do not have a static concept of what
// variables are parameters and what variables are dependents (which
// need to be integrated over for a correct PDF normalization).
// Instead the choice of normalization is always specified each time a
// normalized values is requested from the PDF via the getVal()
// method.
// RooAbsPdf manages the entire normalization logic of each PDF with
// help of a RooRealIntegral object, which coordinates the integration
// of a given choice of normalization. By default, RooRealIntegral will
// perform a fully numeric integration of all dependents. However,
// PDFs can advertise one or more (partial) analytical integrals of
// their function, and these will be used by RooRealIntegral, if it
// determines that this is safe (i.e. no hidden Jacobian terms,
// multiplication with other PDFs that have one or more dependents in
// commen etc)
// To implement analytical integrals, two functions must be implemented. First,
// Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral(const RooArgSet& integSet, RooArgSet& anaIntSet)
// advertises the analytical integrals that are supported. 'integSet'
// is the set of dependents for which integration is requested. The
// function should copy the subset of dependents it can analytically
// integrate to anaIntSet and return a unique identification code for
// this integration configuration. If no integration can be
// performed, zero should be returned. Second,
// Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code)
// Implements the actual analytical integral(s) advertised by
// getAnalyticalIntegral. This functions will only be called with
// codes returned by getAnalyticalIntegral, except code zero.
// The integration range for real each dependent to be integrated can
// be obtained from the dependents' proxy functions min() and
// max(). Never call these proxy functions for any proxy not known to
// be a dependent via the integration code. Doing so may be
// ill-defined, e.g. in case the proxy holds a function, and will
// trigger an assert. Integrated category dependents should always be
// summed over all of their states.
// [Direct generation of dependents]
// Any PDF dependent can be generated with the accept/reject method,
// but for certain PDFs more efficient methods may be implemented. To
// implement direct generation of one or more dependents, two
// functions need to be implemented, similar to those for analytical
// integrals:
// Int_t getGenerator(const RooArgSet& generateVars, RooArgSet& directVars) and
// void generateEvent(Int_t code)
// The first function advertises dependents that can be generated,
// similar to the way analytical integrals are advertised. The second
// function implements the generator for the advertised dependents
// The generated dependent values should be store in the proxy
// objects. For this the assignment operator can be used (i.e. xProxy
// = 3.0 ). Never call assign to any proxy not known to be a dependent
// via the generation code. Doing so may be ill-defined, e.g. in case
// the proxy holds a function, and will trigger an assert
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooArgProxy.h"
#include "RooRealProxy.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooGenContext.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooCurve.h"
#include "RooNLLVar.h"
#include "RooMinuit.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooNameReg.h"
#include "RooCmdConfig.h"
#include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
#include "RooAddition.h"
#include "RooRandom.h"
#include "RooInt.h"
Int_t RooAbsPdf::_verboseEval = 0;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::_globalSelectComp = kFALSE ;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::_evalError = kFALSE ;
RooAbsPdf::RooAbsPdf(const char *name, const char *title) :
RooAbsReal(name,title), _norm(0), _normSet(0), _normMgr(10), _selectComp(kTRUE)
// Constructor with name and title only
resetErrorCounters() ;
setTraceCounter(0) ;
RooAbsPdf::RooAbsPdf(const char *name, const char *title,
Double_t plotMin, Double_t plotMax) :
RooAbsReal(name,title,plotMin,plotMax), _norm(0), _normSet(0), _normMgr(10), _selectComp(kTRUE)
// Constructor with name, title, and plot range
resetErrorCounters() ;
setTraceCounter(0) ;
RooAbsPdf::RooAbsPdf(const RooAbsPdf& other, const char* name) :
RooAbsReal(other,name), _norm(0), _normSet(0), _normMgr(10), _selectComp(other._selectComp)
// Copy constructor
resetErrorCounters() ;
setTraceCounter(other._traceCount) ;
// Destructor
//if (_norm) delete _norm ;
Double_t RooAbsPdf::getVal(const RooArgSet* nset) const
// Return current value, normalizated by integrating over
// the dependents in 'nset'. If 'nset' is 0, the unnormalized value.
// is returned. All elements of 'nset' must be lvalues
// Unnormalized values are not cached
// Doing so would be complicated as _norm->getVal() could
// spoil the cache and interfere with returning the cached
// return value. Since unnormalized calls are typically
// done in integration calls, there is no performance hit.
if (!nset) {
Double_t val = evaluate() ;
Bool_t error = traceEvalPdf(val) ;
if (_verboseEval>1) cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::getVal(" << GetName()
<< "): value = " << val << " (unnormalized)" << endl ;
if (error) {
raiseEvalError() ;
return 0 ;
return val ;
// Process change in last data set used
Bool_t nsetChanged(kFALSE) ;
if (nset!=_normSet) {
nsetChanged = syncNormalization(nset) ;
// Return value of object. Calculated if dirty, otherwise cached value is returned.
if ((isValueDirty() || nsetChanged || _norm->isValueDirty()) && operMode()!=AClean) {
// Evaluate numerator
Double_t rawVal = evaluate() ;
Bool_t error = traceEvalPdf(rawVal) ; // Error checking and printing
// Evaluate denominator
Double_t normVal(_norm->getVal()) ;
Double_t normError(kFALSE) ;
if (normVal==0.) normError=kTRUE ;
// Raise global error flag if problems occur
if (normError||error) raiseEvalError() ;
_value = normError ? 0 : (rawVal / normVal) ;
if (_verboseEval>1) cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::getVal(" << GetName() << "): value = "
<< rawVal << " / " << _norm->getVal() << " = " << _value << endl ;
clearValueDirty() ; //setValueDirty(kFALSE) ;
clearShapeDirty() ; //setShapeDirty(kFALSE) ;
if (_traceCount>0) {
cout << "[" << _traceCount << "] " ;
Int_t tmp = _traceCount ;
_traceCount = 0 ;
Print() ;
_traceCount = tmp-1 ;
return _value ;
Double_t RooAbsPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(Int_t code, const RooArgSet* normSet, const char* rangeName) const
// Analytical integral with normalization (see RooAbsReal::analyticalIntegralWN() for further information)
// This function applies the normalization specified by 'normSet' to the integral returned
// by RooAbsReal::analyticalIntegral(). The passthrough scenario (code=0) is also changed
// to return a normalized answer
if (_verboseEval>1) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(" << GetName() << ") code = " << code << " normset = " ;
if (normSet) normSet->Print("1") ; else cout << "<none>" << endl ;
if (code==0) return getVal(normSet) ;
if (normSet) {
return analyticalIntegral(code,rangeName) / getNorm(normSet) ;
} else {
return analyticalIntegral(code,rangeName) ;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::traceEvalPdf(Double_t value) const
// Check that passed value is positive and not 'not-a-number'.
// If not, print an error, until the error counter reaches
// its set maximum.
// check for a math error or negative value
Bool_t error= isnan(value) || (value < 0);
// do nothing if we are no longer tracing evaluations and there was no error
if(!error) return error ;
// otherwise, print out this evaluations input values and result
if(++_errorCount <= 10) {
cout << "*** Evaluation Error " << _errorCount << " ";
if(_errorCount == 10) cout << "(no more will be printed) ";
else {
return error ;
Print() ;
return error ;
Double_t RooAbsPdf::getNorm(const RooArgSet* nset) const
// Return the integral of this PDF over all elements of 'nset'.
if (!nset) return 1 ;
syncNormalization(nset,kTRUE) ;
if (_verboseEval>1) cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::getNorm(" << GetName() << "): norm(" << _norm << ") = " << _norm->getVal() << endl ;
Double_t ret = _norm->getVal() ;
if (ret==0.) {
if(++_errorCount <= 10) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::getNorm(" << GetName() << ":: WARNING normalization is zero, nset = " ; nset->Print("1") ;
if(_errorCount == 10) cout << "RooAbsPdf::getNorm(" << GetName() << ") INFO: no more messages will be printed " << endl ;
return ret ;
const RooAbsReal* RooAbsPdf::getNormObj(const RooArgSet* nset, const TNamed* rangeName) const
// Check normalization is already stored
RooAbsReal* norm = _normMgr.getNormalization(this,nset,0,rangeName) ;
if (norm) {
return norm ;
// If not create it now
RooArgSet* depList = getObservables(nset) ;
norm = createIntegral(*depList,*getIntegratorConfig(),RooNameReg::str(rangeName)) ;
delete depList ;
// Store it in the cache
_normMgr.setNormalization(this,nset,0,rangeName,norm) ;
// And return the newly created integral
return norm ;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::syncNormalizationPreHook(RooAbsReal*,const RooArgSet*) const
return kFALSE ;
void RooAbsPdf::syncNormalizationPostHook(RooAbsReal*,const RooArgSet*) const
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::syncNormalization(const RooArgSet* nset, Bool_t adjustProxies) const
// Verify that the normalization integral cached with this PDF
// is valid for given set of normalization dependents
// If not, the cached normalization integral (if any) is deleted
// and a new integral is constructed for use with 'nset'
// Elements in 'nset' can be discrete and real, but must be lvalues
// By default, only actual dependents of the PDF listed in 'nset'
// are integration. This behaviour can be modified in subclasses
// by overloading the syncNormalizationPreHook() function.
// For functions that declare to be self-normalized by overloading the
// selfNormalized() function, a unit normalization is always constructed
_normSet = (RooArgSet*) nset ;
// Check if data sets are identical
RooAbsReal* norm = _normMgr.getNormalization(this,nset,0) ;
if (norm) {
Bool_t nsetChanged = (_norm!=norm) ;
_norm = norm ;
if (nsetChanged && adjustProxies) {
// Update dataset pointers of proxies
((RooAbsPdf*) this)->setProxyNormSet(nset) ;
return nsetChanged ;
// Update dataset pointers of proxies
if (adjustProxies) {
((RooAbsPdf*) this)->setProxyNormSet(nset) ;
// Allow optional post-processing
Bool_t fullNorm = syncNormalizationPreHook(_norm,nset) ;
RooArgSet* depList ;
if (fullNorm) {
depList = ((RooArgSet*)nset) ;
} else {
depList = getObservables(nset) ;
if (_verboseEval>0) {
if (!selfNormalized()) {
cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::syncNormalization(" << GetName()
<< ") recreating normalization integral " << endl ;
if (depList) depList->printToStream(cout,OneLine) ; else cout << "<none>" << endl ;
} else {
cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::syncNormalization(" << GetName() << ") selfNormalized, creating unit norm" << endl;
// Destroy old normalization & create new
if (selfNormalized() || !dependsOn(*depList)) {
TString ntitle(GetTitle()) ; ntitle.Append(" Unit Normalization") ;
TString nname(GetName()) ; nname.Append("_UnitNorm") ;
_norm = new RooRealVar(nname.Data(),ntitle.Data(),1) ;
} else {
_norm = createIntegral(*depList,*getIntegratorConfig()) ;
// Register new normalization with manager (takes ownership)
_normMgr.setNormalization(this,nset,0,0,_norm) ;
// Allow optional post-processing
syncNormalizationPostHook(_norm,nset) ;
if (!fullNorm) delete depList ;
return kTRUE ;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::traceEvalHook(Double_t value) const
// WVE 08/21/01 Probably obsolete now.
// Floating point error checking and tracing for given float value
// check for a math error or negative value
Bool_t error= isnan(value) || (value < 0);
// do nothing if we are no longer tracing evaluations and there was no error
if(!error && _traceCount <= 0) return error ;
// otherwise, print out this evaluations input values and result
if(error && ++_errorCount <= 10) {
cout << "*** Evaluation Error " << _errorCount << " ";
if(_errorCount == 10) cout << "(no more will be printed) ";
else if(_traceCount > 0) {
cout << '[' << _traceCount-- << "] ";
else {
return error ;
Print() ;
return error ;
void RooAbsPdf::resetErrorCounters(Int_t resetValue)
// Reset error counter to given value, limiting the number
// of future error messages for this pdf to 'resetValue'
_errorCount = resetValue ;
_negCount = resetValue ;
void RooAbsPdf::setTraceCounter(Int_t value, Bool_t allNodes)
// Reset trace counter to given value, limiting the
// number of future trace messages for this pdf to 'value'
if (!allNodes) {
_traceCount = value ;
return ;
} else {
RooArgList branchList ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchList) ;
TIterator* iter = branchList.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsPdf* pdf = dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg) ;
if (pdf) pdf->setTraceCounter(value,kFALSE) ;
delete iter ;
void RooAbsPdf::operModeHook()
// WVE 08/21/01 Probably obsolete now
Double_t RooAbsPdf::getLogVal(const RooArgSet* nset) const
// Return the log of the current value with given normalization
// An error message is printed if the argument of the log is negative.
Double_t prob = getVal(nset) ;
if(prob <= 0) {
if (_negCount-- > 0) {
cout << endl
<< "RooAbsPdf::getLogVal(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: PDF evaluates to zero or negative value (" << prob << ")" << endl;
RooArgSet* params = getParameters(nset) ;
RooArgSet* depends = getObservables(nset) ;
cout << " Current values of PDF dependents:" ;
depends->Print("v") ;
cout << " Current values of PDF parameters:" ;
params->Print("v") ;
delete params ;
delete depends ;
if(_negCount == 0) cout << "(no more such warnings will be printed) "<<endl;
return 0;
return log(prob);
Double_t RooAbsPdf::extendedTerm(UInt_t observed, const RooArgSet* nset) const
// Returned the extended likelihood term (Nexpect - Nobserved*log(NExpected)
// of this PDF for the given number of observed events
// For successfull operation the PDF implementation must indicate
// it is extendable by overloading canBeExtended() and must
// implemented the expectedEvents() function.
// check if this PDF supports extended maximum likelihood fits
if(!canBeExtended()) {
cout << fName << ": this PDF does not support extended maximum likelihood"
<< endl;
return 0;
Double_t expected= expectedEvents(nset);
if(expected < 0) {
cout << fName << ": calculated negative expected events: " << expected
<< endl;
return 0;
// calculate and return the negative log-likelihood of the Poisson
// factor for this dataset, dropping the constant log(observed!)
Double_t extra= expected - observed*log(expected);
Bool_t trace(kFALSE) ;
if(trace) {
cout << fName << "::extendedTerm: expected " << expected << " events, got "
<< observed << " events. extendedTerm = " << extra << endl;
return extra;
RooFitResult* RooAbsPdf::fitTo(RooAbsData& data, RooCmdArg arg1, RooCmdArg arg2, RooCmdArg arg3, RooCmdArg arg4,
RooCmdArg arg5, RooCmdArg arg6, RooCmdArg arg7, RooCmdArg arg8)
// Fit PDF to given dataset. If dataset is unbinned, an unbinned maximum likelihood is performed. If the dataset
// is binned, a binned maximum likelihood is performed. By default the fit is executed through the MINUIT
// commands MIGRAD, HESSE and MINOS in succession.
// The following named arguments are supported
// Options to control construction of -log(L)
// ------------------------------------------
// ConditionalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) -- Do not normalize PDF over listed observables
// Extended(Bool_t flag) -- Add extended likelihood term, off by default
// Range(const char* name) -- Fit only data inside range with given name
// Range(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) -- Fit only data inside given range. A range named "fit" is created on the fly on all observables.
// NumCPU(int num) -- Parallelize NLL calculation on num CPUs
// Optimize(Bool_t flag) -- Activate constant term optimization (on by default)
// SplitRange(Bool_t flag) -- Use separate fit ranges in a simultaneous fit. Actual range name for each
// subsample is assumed to by rangeName_{indexState} where indexState
// is the state of the master index category of the simultaneous fit
// Options to control flow of fit procedure
// ----------------------------------------
// InitialHesse(Bool_t flag) -- Flag controls if HESSE before MIGRAD as well, off by default
// Hesse(Bool_t flag) -- Flag controls if HESSE is run after MIGRAD, on by default
// Minos(Bool_t flag) -- Flag controls if MINOS is run after HESSE, on by default
// Minos(const RooArgSet& set) -- Only run MINOS on given subset of arguments
// Save(Bool_t flag) -- Flac controls if RooFitResult object is produced and returned, off by default
// Strategy(Int_t flag) -- Set Minuit strategy (0 through 2, default is 1)
// FitOptions(const char* optStr) -- Steer fit with classic options string (for backward compatibility). Use of this option
// excludes use of any of the new style steering options.
// Options to control informational output
// ---------------------------------------
// Verbose(Bool_t flag) -- Flag controls if verbose output is printed (NLL, parameter changes during fit
// Timer(Bool_t flag) -- Time CPU and wall clock consumption of fit steps, off by default
// PrintLevel(Int_t level) -- Set Minuit print level (-1 through 3, default is 1). At -1 all RooFit informational
// messages are suppressed as well
RooLinkedList l ;
l.Add((TObject*)&arg1) ; l.Add((TObject*)&arg2) ;
l.Add((TObject*)&arg3) ; l.Add((TObject*)&arg4) ;
l.Add((TObject*)&arg5) ; l.Add((TObject*)&arg6) ;
l.Add((TObject*)&arg7) ; l.Add((TObject*)&arg8) ;
return fitTo(data,l) ;
RooFitResult* RooAbsPdf::fitTo(RooAbsData& data, const RooLinkedList& cmdList)
// Fit PDF to given dataset. If dataset is unbinned, an unbinned maximum likelihood is performed. If the dataset
// is binned, a binned maximum likelihood is performed. By default the fit is executed through the MINUIT
// commands MIGRAD, HESSE and MINOS in succession.
// See RooAbsPdf::fitTo(RooAbsData& data, RooCmdArg arg1, RooCmdArg arg2, RooCmdArg arg3, RooCmdArg arg4,
// RooCmdArg arg5, RooCmdArg arg6, RooCmdArg arg7, RooCmdArg arg8)
// for documentation of options
// Select the pdf-specific commands
RooCmdConfig pc(Form("RooAbsPdf::fitTo(%s)",GetName())) ;
pc.defineString("fitOpt","FitOptions",0,"") ;
pc.defineString("rangeName","RangeWithName",0,"",kTRUE) ;
pc.defineDouble("rangeLo","Range",0,-999.) ;
pc.defineDouble("rangeHi","Range",1,-999.) ;
pc.defineInt("splitRange","SplitRange",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("optConst","Optimize",0,1) ;
pc.defineInt("verbose","Verbose",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("doSave","Save",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("doTimer","Timer",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("plevel","PrintLevel",0,1) ;
pc.defineInt("strat","Strategy",0,1) ;
pc.defineInt("initHesse","InitialHesse",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("hesse","Hesse",0,1) ;
pc.defineInt("minos","Minos",0,1) ;
pc.defineInt("ext","Extended",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("numcpu","NumCPU",0,1) ;
pc.defineObject("projDepSet","ProjectedObservables",0,0) ;
pc.defineObject("minosSet","Minos",0,0) ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Verbose") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Save") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Timer") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Strategy") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","InitialHesse") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Hesse") ;
pc.defineMutex("FitOptions","Minos") ;
pc.defineMutex("Range","RangeWithName") ;
// Process and check varargs
pc.process(cmdList) ;
if (!pc.ok(kTRUE)) {
return 0 ;
// Decode command line arguments
const char* fitOpt = pc.getString("fitOpt",0,kTRUE) ;
const char* rangeName = pc.getString("rangeName",0,kTRUE) ;
Int_t optConst = pc.getInt("optConst") ;
Int_t verbose = pc.getInt("verbose") ;
Int_t doSave = pc.getInt("doSave") ;
Int_t doTimer = pc.getInt("doTimer") ;
Int_t plevel = pc.getInt("plevel") ;
Int_t strat = pc.getInt("strat") ;
Int_t initHesse= pc.getInt("initHesse") ;
Int_t hesse = pc.getInt("hesse") ;
Int_t minos = pc.getInt("minos") ;
Int_t ext = pc.getInt("ext") ;
Int_t numcpu = pc.getInt("numcpu") ;
Int_t splitr = pc.getInt("splitRange") ;
const RooArgSet* minosSet = static_cast<RooArgSet*>(pc.getObject("minosSet")) ;
if (pc.hasProcessed("Range")) {
Double_t rangeLo = pc.getDouble("rangeLo") ;
Double_t rangeHi = pc.getDouble("rangeHi") ;
// Create range with name 'fit' with above limits on all observables
RooArgSet* obs = getObservables(&data) ;
TIterator* iter = obs->createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooRealVar* rrv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(arg) ;
if (rrv) rrv->setRange("fit",rangeLo,rangeHi) ;
// Set range name to be fitted to "fit"
rangeName = "fit" ;
RooArgSet projDeps ;
RooArgSet* tmp = (RooArgSet*) pc.getObject("projDepSet") ;
if (tmp) projDeps.add(*tmp) ;
// Construct NLL
RooAbsReal* nll ;
if (!rangeName || strchr(rangeName,',')==0) {
// Simple case: default range, or single restricted range
nll = new RooNLLVar("nll","-log(likelihood)",*this,data,projDeps,ext,rangeName,numcpu,plevel!=-1,splitr) ;
} else {
// Composite case: multiple ranges
RooArgList nllList ;
char* buf = new char[strlen(rangeName)+1] ;
strcpy(buf,rangeName) ;
char* token = strtok(buf,",") ;
while(token) {
RooAbsReal* nllComp = new RooNLLVar(Form("nll_%s",token),"-log(likelihood)",*this,data,projDeps,ext,token,numcpu,plevel!=-1,splitr) ;
nllList.add(*nllComp) ;
token = strtok(0,",") ;
delete[] buf ;
nll = new RooAddition("nll","-log(likelihood)",nllList,kTRUE) ;
// Instantiate MINUIT
RooMinuit m(*nll) ;
if (plevel!=1) {
m.setPrintLevel(plevel) ;
if (optConst) {
// Activate constant term optimization
m.optimizeConst(1) ;
RooFitResult *ret = 0 ;
if (fitOpt) {
// Play fit options as historically defined
ret = m.fit(fitOpt) ;
} else {
if (verbose) {
// Activate verbose options
m.setVerbose(1) ;
if (doTimer) {
// Activate timer options
m.setProfile(1) ;
if (strat!=1) {
// Modify fit strategy
m.setStrategy(strat) ;
if (initHesse) {
// Initialize errors with hesse
m.hesse() ;
// Minimize using migrad
m.migrad() ;
if (hesse) {
// Evaluate errors with Hesse
m.hesse() ;
if (minos) {
// Evaluate errs with Minos
if (minosSet) {
m.minos(*minosSet) ;
} else {
m.minos() ;
// Optionally return fit result
if (doSave) {
ret = m.save() ;
// Cleanup
delete nll ;
return ret ;
RooFitResult* RooAbsPdf::fitTo(RooAbsData& data, Option_t *fitOpt, Option_t *optOpt, const char* fitRange)
return fitTo(data,RooArgSet(),fitOpt,optOpt,fitRange) ;
RooFitResult* RooAbsPdf::fitTo(RooAbsData& data, const RooArgSet& projDeps, Option_t *fitOpt, Option_t *optOpt, const char* fitRange)
// Fit this PDF to given data set
// OLD STYLE INTERFACE, PLEASE USE NEW INTERFACE fitTo(RooAbsData& data, RooCmdArg arg1,...,RooCmdArg arg8)
// The dataset can be either binned, in which case a binned maximum likelihood fit
// is performed, or unbinned, in which case an unbinned maximum likelihood fit is performed
// Available fit options:
// "m" = MIGRAD only, i.e. no MINOS
// "s" = estimate step size with HESSE before starting MIGRAD
// "h" = run HESSE after MIGRAD
// "e" = Perform extended MLL fit
// "0" = Run MIGRAD with strategy MINUIT 0 (no correlation matrix calculation at end)
// Does not apply to HESSE or MINOS, if run afterwards.
// "q" = Switch off verbose mode
// "l" = Save log file with parameter values at each MINUIT step
// "v" = Show changed parameters at each MINUIT step
// "t" = Time fit
// "r" = Save fit output in RooFitResult object (return value is object RFR pointer)
// Available optimizer options
// "c" = Cache and precalculate components of PDF that exclusively depend on constant parameters
// "2" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 2 processors
// "3" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 3 processors
// "4" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 4 processors
// The actual fit is performed to a temporary copy of both PDF and data set. Several optimization
// algorithm are run to increase the efficiency of the likelihood calculation and may increase
// the speed of complex fits up to an order of magnitude. All optimizations are exact, i.e the fit result
// of any fit should _exactly_ the same with and without optimization. We strongly encourage
// to stick to the default optimizer setting (all on). If for any reason you see a difference in the result
// with and without optimizer, please file a bug report.
// The function always return null unless the "r" fit option is specified. In that case a pointer to a RooFitResult
// is returned. The RooFitResult object contains the full fit output, including the correlation matrix.
// Parse option strings
TString fopt(fitOpt) ;
TString oopt(optOpt) ;
fopt.ToLower() ;
oopt.ToLower() ;
Bool_t extended = fopt.Contains("e") ;
Bool_t saveRes = fopt.Contains("r") ;
Bool_t cOpt = oopt.Contains("p") || // for backward compatibility
oopt.Contains("c") ;
Bool_t blindfit = fopt.Contains("b") ;
Int_t ncpu = 1 ;
if (oopt.Contains("2")) ncpu=2 ;
if (oopt.Contains("3")) ncpu=3 ;
if (oopt.Contains("4")) ncpu=4 ;
if (oopt.Contains("5")) ncpu=5 ;
if (oopt.Contains("6")) ncpu=6 ;
if (oopt.Contains("7")) ncpu=7 ;
if (oopt.Contains("8")) ncpu=8 ;
if (oopt.Contains("9")) ncpu=9 ;
// Construct NLL
RooNLLVar nll("nll","-log(likelihood)",*this,data,projDeps,extended,fitRange,ncpu) ;
// Minimize NLL
RooMinuit m(nll) ;
if (cOpt) m.optimizeConst(1) ;
m.fit(fopt) ;
// Optionally return fit result
if (saveRes) {
return m.save() ;
} else {
return 0 ;
void RooAbsPdf::printToStream(ostream& os, PrintOption opt, TString indent) const
// Print info about this object to the specified stream. In addition to the info
// from RooAbsArg::printToStream() we add:
// Shape : value, units, plot range
// Verbose : default binning and print label
if (opt == OneLine) {
if (opt == Standard) {
os << ClassName() << "::" << GetName() << "(" ;
RooArgSet* paramList = getParameters((RooArgSet*)0) ;
TIterator* pIter = paramList->createIterator() ;
Bool_t first=kTRUE ;
RooAbsArg* var ;
while((var=(RooAbsArg*)pIter->Next())) {
if (!first) {
os << "," ;
} else {
first=kFALSE ;
os << var->GetName() ;
//os << ") = " << getVal(_lastNormSet) << endl ;
os << ") = " << getVal(0) << endl ;
delete pIter ;
delete paramList ;
if(opt >= Verbose) {
os << indent << "--- RooAbsPdf ---" << endl;
os << indent << "Cached value = " << _value << endl ;
if (_norm) {
os << " Normalization integral: " << endl ;
TString moreIndent(indent) ; moreIndent.Append(" ") ;
_norm->printToStream(os,Verbose,moreIndent.Data()) ;
_norm->printToStream(os,Standard,moreIndent.Data()) ;
RooAbsGenContext* RooAbsPdf::genContext(const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDataSet *prototype,
const RooArgSet* auxProto, Bool_t verbose) const
return new RooGenContext(*this,vars,prototype,auxProto,verbose) ;
RooDataSet *RooAbsPdf::generate(const RooArgSet& whatVars, Int_t nEvents, const RooCmdArg& arg1,
const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3,const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5)
// Generate a new dataset containing the specified variables with events sampled from our distribution.
// Generate the specified number of events or expectedEvents() if not specified.
// Any variables of this PDF that are not in whatVars will use their
// current values and be treated as fixed parameters. Returns zero
// in case of an error. The caller takes ownership of the returned
// dataset.
// The following named arguments are supported
// Verbose(Bool_t flag) -- Print informational messages during event generation
// Extended() -- The actual number of events generated will be sampled from a Poisson distribution
// with mu=nevt. For use with extended maximum likelihood fits
// ProtoData(const RooDataSet& data, -- Use specified dataset as prototype dataset. If randOrder is set to true
// Bool_t randOrder) the order of the events in the dataset will be read in a random order
// if the requested number of events to be generated does not match the
// number of events in the prototype dataset
// If ProtoData() is used, the specified existing dataset as a prototype: the new dataset will contain
// the same number of events as the prototype (unless otherwise specified), and any prototype variables not in
// whatVars will be copied into the new dataset for each generated event and also used to set our PDF parameters.
// The user can specify a number of events to generate that will override the default. The result is a
// copy of the prototype dataset with only variables in whatVars randomized. Variables in whatVars that
// are not in the prototype will be added as new columns to the generated dataset.
return generate(whatVars,RooFit::NumEvents(nEvents),arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) ;
RooDataSet *RooAbsPdf::generate(const RooArgSet& whatVars, const RooCmdArg& arg1,const RooCmdArg& arg2,
const RooCmdArg& arg3,const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,const RooCmdArg& arg6)
// Generate a new dataset containing the specified variables with events sampled from our distribution.
// Generate the specified number of events or expectedEvents() if not specified.
// Any variables of this PDF that are not in whatVars will use their
// current values and be treated as fixed parameters. Returns zero
// in case of an error. The caller takes ownership of the returned
// dataset.
// The following named arguments are supported
// Verbose(Bool_t flag) -- Print informational messages during event generation
// NumEvent(int nevt) -- Generate specified number of events
// Extended() -- The actual number of events generated will be sampled from a Poisson distribution
// with mu=nevt. For use with extended maximum likelihood fits
// ProtoData(const RooDataSet& data, -- Use specified dataset as prototype dataset. If randOrder is set to true
// Bool_t randOrder) the order of the events in the dataset will be read in a random order
// if the requested number of events to be generated does not match the
// number of events in the prototype dataset
// If ProtoData() is used, the specified existing dataset as a prototype: the new dataset will contain
// the same number of events as the prototype (unless otherwise specified), and any prototype variables not in
// whatVars will be copied into the new dataset for each generated event and also used to set our PDF parameters.
// The user can specify a number of events to generate that will override the default. The result is a
// copy of the prototype dataset with only variables in whatVars randomized. Variables in whatVars that
// are not in the prototype will be added as new columns to the generated dataset.
// Select the pdf-specific commands
RooCmdConfig pc(Form("RooAbsPdf::generate(%s)",GetName())) ;
pc.defineObject("proto","PrototypeData",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("randProto","PrototypeData",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("verbose","Verbose",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("extended","Extended",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("nEvents","NumEvents",0,0) ;
// Process and check varargs
pc.process(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) ;
if (!pc.ok(kTRUE)) {
return 0 ;
// Decode command line arguments
RooDataSet* protoData = static_cast<RooDataSet*>(pc.getObject("proto",0)) ;
Int_t nEvents = pc.getInt("nEvents") ;
Bool_t verbose = pc.getInt("verbose") ;
Bool_t randProto = pc.getInt("randProto") ;
Bool_t extended = pc.getInt("extended") ;
if (extended) {
nEvents = RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Poisson(nEvents==0?expectedEvents(&whatVars):nEvents) ;
if (extended && protoData && !randProto) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::generate: WARNING Using generator option Extended() (Poisson distribution of #events) together " << endl
<< " with a prototype dataset implies incomplete sampling or oversampling of proto data." << endl
<< " Set randomize flag in ProtoData() option to randomize prototype dataset order and thus" << endl
<< " to randomize the set of over/undersampled prototype events for each generation cycle." << endl ;
// Forward to appropiate implementation
if (protoData) {
return generate(whatVars,*protoData,nEvents,verbose,randProto) ;
} else {
return generate(whatVars,nEvents,verbose) ;
RooDataSet *RooAbsPdf::generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, Int_t nEvents, Bool_t verbose) const {
// Generate a new dataset containing the specified variables with
// events sampled from our distribution. Generate the specified
// number of events or else try to use expectedEvents() if nEvents <= 0.
// Any variables of this PDF that are not in whatVars will use their
// current values and be treated as fixed parameters. Returns zero
// in case of an error. The caller takes ownership of the returned
// dataset.
RooDataSet *generated = 0;
RooAbsGenContext *context= genContext(whatVars,0,0,verbose);
if(0 != context && context->isValid()) {
generated= context->generate(nEvents);
else {
cout << ClassName() << "::" << GetName() << ":generate: cannot create a valid context" << endl;
if(0 != context) delete context;
return generated;
RooDataSet *RooAbsPdf::generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, const RooDataSet &prototype,
Int_t nEvents, Bool_t verbose, Bool_t randProtoOrder) const {
// Generate a new dataset with values of the whatVars variables
// sampled from our distribution. Use the specified existing dataset
// as a prototype: the new dataset will contain the same number of
// events as the prototype (by default), and any prototype variables not in
// whatVars will be copied into the new dataset for each generated
// event and also used to set our PDF parameters. The user can specify a
// number of events to generate that will override the default. The result is a
// copy of the prototype dataset with only variables in whatVars
// randomized. Variables in whatVars that are not in the prototype
// will be added as new columns to the generated dataset. Returns
// zero in case of an error. The caller takes ownership of the
// returned dataset.
RooDataSet *generated = 0;
RooAbsGenContext *context= genContext(whatVars,&prototype,0,verbose);
if (randProtoOrder && prototype.numEntries()!=nEvents) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::generate (Re)randomizing event order in prototype dataset (Nevt=" << nEvents << ")" << endl ;
Int_t* newOrder = randomizeProtoOrder(prototype.numEntries(),nEvents) ;
context->setProtoDataOrder(newOrder) ;
delete[] newOrder ;
if(0 != context && context->isValid()) {
generated= context->generate(nEvents);
else {
cout << ClassName() << "::" << GetName() << ":generate: cannot create a valid context" << endl;
if(0 != context) delete context;
return generated;
Int_t* RooAbsPdf::randomizeProtoOrder(Int_t nProto, Int_t) const
// Return lookup table with randomized access order for prototype events,
// given nProto prototype data events and nGen events that will actually
// be accessed
// Make unsorted linked list of indeces
RooLinkedList l ;
Int_t i ;
for (i=0 ; i<nProto ; i++) {
l.Add(new RooInt(i)) ;
// Make output list
Int_t* lut = new Int_t[nProto] ;
// Randomly samply input list into output list
for (i=0 ; i<nProto ; i++) {
Int_t iran = RooRandom::integer(nProto-i) ;
RooInt* sample = (RooInt*) l.At(iran) ;
lut[i] = *sample ;
l.Remove(sample) ;
delete sample ;
return lut ;
Int_t RooAbsPdf::getGenerator(const RooArgSet &/*directVars*/, RooArgSet &/*generatedVars*/, Bool_t /*staticInitOK*/) const {
// Load generatedVars with the subset of directVars that we can generate events for,
// and return a code that specifies the generator algorithm we will use. A code of
// zero indicates that we cannot generate any of the directVars (in this case, nothing
// should be added to generatedVars). Any non-zero codes will be passed to our generateEvent()
// implementation, but otherwise its value is arbitrary. The default implemetation of
// this method returns zero. Subclasses will usually implement this method using the
// matchArgs() methods to advertise the algorithms they provide.
return 0 ;
void RooAbsPdf::initGenerator(Int_t /*code*/)
// One-time initialization to setup the generator for the specified code.
void RooAbsPdf::generateEvent(Int_t /*code*/) {
// Generate an event using the algorithm corresponding to the specified code. The
// meaning of each code is defined by the getGenerator() implementation. The default
// implementation does nothing.
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::isDirectGenSafe(const RooAbsArg& arg) const
// Check if PDF depends via more than route on given arg
// Arg must be direct server of self
if (!findServer(arg.GetName())) return kFALSE ;
// There must be no other dependency routes
TIterator* sIter = serverIterator() ;
const RooAbsArg *server = 0;
while((server=(const RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if(server == &arg) continue;
if(server->dependsOn(arg)) {
delete sIter ;
return kFALSE ;
delete sIter ;
return kTRUE ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotOn(RooPlot* frame, RooLinkedList& cmdList) const
// Plot (project) PDF on specified frame. If a PDF is plotted in an empty frame, it
// will show a unit normalized curve in the frame variable, taken at the present value
// of other observables defined for this PDF
// If a PDF is plotted in a frame in which a dataset has already been plotted, it will
// show a projected curve integrated over all variables that were present in the shown
// dataset except for the one on the x-axis. The normalization of the curve will also
// be adjusted to the event count of the plotted dataset. An informational message
// will be printed for each projection step that is performed
// This function takes the following named arguments
// Projection control
// ------------------
// Slice(const RooArgSet& set) -- Override default projection behaviour by omittting observables listed
// in set from the projection, resulting a 'slice' plot. Slicing is usually
// only sensible in discrete observables
// Project(const RooArgSet& set) -- Override default projection behaviour by projecting over observables
// given in set and complete ignoring the default projection behavior. Advanced use only.
// ProjWData(const RooAbsData& d) -- Override default projection _technique_ (integration). For observables present in given dataset
// projection of PDF is achieved by constructing an average over all observable values in given set.
// Consult RooFit plotting tutorial for further explanation of meaning & use of this technique
// ProjWData(const RooArgSet& s, -- As above but only consider subset 's' of observables in dataset 'd' for projection through data averaging
// const RooAbsData& d)
// ProjectionRange(const char* rn) -- Override default range of projection integrals to a different range speficied by given range name.
// This technique allows you to project a finite width slice in a real-valued observable
// Misc content control
// --------------------
// Normalization(Double_t scale, -- Adjust normalization by given scale factor. Interpretation of number depends on code: Relative:
// ScaleType code) relative adjustment factor, NumEvent: scale to match given number of events.
// Name(const chat* name) -- Give curve specified name in frame. Useful if curve is to be referenced later
// Asymmetry(const RooCategory& c) -- Show the asymmetry of the PDF in given two-state category [F(+)-F(-)] / [F(+)+F(-)] rather than
// the PDF projection. Category must have two states with indices -1 and +1 or three states with
// indeces -1,0 and +1.
// ShiftToZero(Bool_t flag) -- Shift entire curve such that lowest visible point is at exactly zero. Mostly useful when
// plotting -log(L) or chi^2 distributions
// AddTo(const char* name, -- Add constructed projection to already existing curve with given name and relative weight factors
// double_t wgtSelf, double_t wgtOther)
// Plotting control
// ----------------
// LineStyle(Int_t style) -- Select line style by ROOT line style code, default is solid
// LineColor(Int_t color) -- Select line color by ROOT color code, default is blue
// LineWidth(Int_t width) -- Select line with in pixels, default is 3
// FillStyle(Int_t style) -- Select fill style, default is not filled. If a filled style is selected, also use VLines()
// to add vertical downward lines at end of curve to ensure proper closure
// FillColor(Int_t color) -- Select fill color by ROOT color code
// Range(const char* name) -- Only draw curve in range defined by given name
// Range(double lo, double hi) -- Only draw curve in specified range
// VLines() -- Add vertical lines to y=0 at end points of curve
// Precision(Double_t eps) -- Control precision of drawn curve w.r.t to scale of plot, default is 1e-3. Higher precision
// will result in more and more densely spaced curve points
// Invisble(Bool_t flag) -- Add curve to frame, but do not display. Useful in combination AddTo()
// Sanity checks
if (plotSanityChecks(frame)) return frame ;
// Select the pdf-specific commands
RooCmdConfig pc(Form("RooAbsPdf::plotOn(%s)",GetName())) ;
pc.defineDouble("scaleFactor","Normalization",0,1.0) ;
pc.defineInt("scaleType","Normalization",0,RooAbsPdf::Relative) ;
pc.defineObject("compSet","SelectCompSet",0) ;
pc.defineString("compSpec","SelectCompSpec",0) ;
pc.defineObject("asymCat","Asymmetry",0) ;
pc.defineDouble("rangeLo","Range",0,-999.) ;
pc.defineDouble("rangeHi","Range",1,-999.) ;
pc.defineString("rangeName","RangeWithName",0,"") ;
pc.defineInt("rangeAdjustNorm","Range",0,0) ;
pc.defineInt("rangeWNAdjustNorm","RangeWithName",0,0) ;
pc.defineMutex("SelectCompSet","SelectCompSpec") ;
pc.defineMutex("Range","RangeWithName") ;
pc.allowUndefined() ; // unknowns may be handled by RooAbsReal
// Process and check varargs
pc.process(cmdList) ;
if (!pc.ok(kTRUE)) {
return frame ;
// Decode command line arguments
ScaleType stype = (ScaleType) pc.getInt("scaleType") ;
Double_t scaleFactor = pc.getDouble("scaleFactor") ;
const RooAbsCategoryLValue* asymCat = (const RooAbsCategoryLValue*) pc.getObject("asymCat") ;
const char* compSpec = pc.getString("compSpec") ;
const RooArgSet* compSet = (const RooArgSet*) pc.getObject("compSet") ;
Bool_t haveCompSel = (strlen(compSpec)>0 || compSet) ;
// Remove PDF-only commands from command list
pc.stripCmdList(cmdList,"SelectCompSet,SelectCompSpec") ;
// Adjust normalization, if so requested
if (asymCat) {
return RooAbsReal::plotOn(frame,cmdList) ;
// More sanity checks
Double_t nExpected(1) ;
if (stype==RelativeExpected) {
if (!canBeExtended()) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotOn(" << GetName()
<< "): ERROR the 'Expected' scale option can only be used on extendable PDFs" << endl ;
return frame ;
nExpected = expectedEvents(frame->getNormVars()) ;
if (stype != Raw) {
if (frame->getFitRangeNEvt() && stype==Relative) {
Bool_t hasCustomRange(kFALSE), adjustNorm(kFALSE) ;
Double_t rangeLo(0), rangeHi(0) ;
// Retrieve plot range to be able to adjust normalization to data
if (pc.hasProcessed("Range")) {
rangeLo = pc.getDouble("rangeLo") ;
rangeHi = pc.getDouble("rangeHi") ;
adjustNorm = pc.getInt("rangeAdjustNorm") ;
hasCustomRange = kTRUE ;
} else if (pc.hasProcessed("RangeWithName")) {
rangeLo = frame->getPlotVar()->getMin(pc.getString("rangeName",0,kTRUE)) ;
rangeHi = frame->getPlotVar()->getMax(pc.getString("rangeName",0,kTRUE)) ;
adjustNorm = pc.getInt("rangeWNAdjustNorm") ;
hasCustomRange = kTRUE ;
} else {
// Use range of last fit, if it was non-default and no other range was specified
RooArgSet* plotDep = getObservables(*frame->getPlotVar()) ;
RooRealVar* plotDepVar = (RooRealVar*) plotDep->find(frame->getPlotVar()->GetName()) ;
if (plotDepVar->hasBinning("fit")) {
rangeLo = plotDepVar->getMin("fit") ;
rangeHi = plotDepVar->getMax("fit") ;
adjustNorm = kTRUE ;
hasCustomRange = kTRUE ;
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") INFO: pdf has been fit over restricted range, plotting only fitted "
<< "part of PDF normalized data in restricted range" << endl ;
delete plotDep ;
if (hasCustomRange && adjustNorm) {
scaleFactor *= frame->getFitRangeNEvt(rangeLo,rangeHi)/nExpected ;
} else {
scaleFactor *= frame->getFitRangeNEvt()/nExpected ;
} else if (stype==RelativeExpected) {
scaleFactor *= nExpected ;
} else if (stype==NumEvent) {
scaleFactor /= nExpected ;
scaleFactor *= frame->getFitRangeBinW() ;
frame->updateNormVars(*frame->getPlotVar()) ;
// Append overriding scale factor command at end of original command list
RooCmdArg tmp = RooFit::Normalization(scaleFactor,Raw) ;
cmdList.Add(&tmp) ;
// Was a component selected requested
if (haveCompSel) {
// Get complete set of tree branch nodes
RooArgSet branchNodeSet ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchNodeSet) ;
// Discard any non-PDF nodes
TIterator* iter = branchNodeSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg)) {
branchNodeSet.remove(*arg) ;
delete iter ;
// Obtain direct selection
RooArgSet* dirSelNodes ;
if (compSet) {
dirSelNodes = (RooArgSet*) branchNodeSet.selectCommon(*compSet) ;
} else {
dirSelNodes = (RooArgSet*) branchNodeSet.selectByName(compSpec) ;
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") directly selected PDF components: " ;
dirSelNodes->Print("1") ;
// Do indirect selection and activate both
plotOnCompSelect(dirSelNodes) ;
RooPlot* ret = RooAbsReal::plotOn(frame,cmdList) ;
// Restore selection status ;
if (haveCompSel) plotOnCompSelect(0) ;
return ret ;
void RooAbsPdf::plotOnCompSelect(RooArgSet* selNodes) const
// Get complete set of tree branch nodes
RooArgSet branchNodeSet ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchNodeSet) ;
// Discard any non-PDF nodes
TIterator* iter = branchNodeSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg)) {
branchNodeSet.remove(*arg) ;
// If no set is specified, restored all selection bits to kTRUE
if (!selNodes) {
// Reset PDF selection bits to kTRUE
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
((RooAbsPdf*)arg)->selectComp(kTRUE) ;
delete iter ;
return ;
// Add all nodes below selected nodes
iter->Reset() ;
TIterator* sIter = selNodes->createIterator() ;
RooArgSet tmp ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
sIter->Reset() ;
RooAbsArg* selNode ;
while((selNode=(RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if (selNode->dependsOn(*arg)) {
tmp.add(*arg,kTRUE) ;
delete sIter ;
// Add all nodes that depend on selected nodes
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (arg->dependsOn(*selNodes)) {
tmp.add(*arg,kTRUE) ;
tmp.remove(*selNodes,kTRUE) ;
tmp.remove(*this) ;
selNodes->add(tmp) ;
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") indirectly selected PDF components: " ;
tmp.Print("1") ;
// Set PDF selection bits according to selNodes
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
Bool_t select = selNodes->find(arg->GetName()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE ;
((RooAbsPdf*)arg)->selectComp(select) ;
delete iter ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotOn(RooPlot *frame, PlotOpt o) const
// Plot oneself on 'frame'. In addition to features detailed in RooAbsReal::plotOn(),
// the scale factor for a PDF can be interpreted in three different ways. The interpretation
// is controlled by ScaleType
// Relative - Scale factor is applied on top of PDF normalization scale factor
// NumEvent - Scale factor is interpreted as a number of events. The surface area
// under the PDF curve will match that of a histogram containing the specified
// number of event
// Raw - Scale factor is applied to the raw (projected) probability density.
// Not too useful, option provided for completeness.
// Sanity checks
if (plotSanityChecks(frame)) return frame ;
// More sanity checks
Double_t nExpected(1) ;
if (o.stype==RelativeExpected) {
if (!canBeExtended()) {
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotOn(" << GetName()
<< "): ERROR the 'Expected' scale option can only be used on extendable PDFs" << endl ;
return frame ;
nExpected = expectedEvents(frame->getNormVars()) ;
// Adjust normalization, if so requested
if (o.stype != Raw) {
if (frame->getFitRangeNEvt() && o.stype==Relative) {
// If non-default plotting range is specified, adjust number of events in fit range
o.scaleFactor *= frame->getFitRangeNEvt()/nExpected ;
} else if (o.stype==RelativeExpected) {
o.scaleFactor *= nExpected ;
} else if (o.stype==NumEvent) {
o.scaleFactor /= nExpected ;
o.scaleFactor *= frame->getFitRangeBinW() ;
frame->updateNormVars(*frame->getPlotVar()) ;
return RooAbsReal::plotOn(frame,o) ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotCompOn(RooPlot *frame, const RooArgSet& compSet, Option_t* drawOptions,
Double_t scaleFactor, ScaleType stype, const RooAbsData* projData,
const RooArgSet* projSet) const
// PLEASE USE plotOn(frame,Componenents(...),...)
// Plot only the PDF components listed in 'compSet' of this PDF on 'frame'.
// See RooAbsReal::plotOn() for a description of the remaining arguments and other features
// Sanity checks
if (plotSanityChecks(frame)) return frame ;
// Get complete set of tree branch nodes
RooArgSet branchNodeSet ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchNodeSet) ;
// Discard any non-PDF nodes
TIterator* iter = branchNodeSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg)) {
branchNodeSet.remove(*arg) ;
delete iter ;
// Get list of directly selected nodes
RooArgSet* selNodes = (RooArgSet*) branchNodeSet.selectCommon(compSet) ;
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotCompOn(" << GetName() << ") directly selected PDF components: " ;
selNodes->Print("1") ;
return plotCompOnEngine(frame,selNodes,drawOptions,scaleFactor,stype,projData,projSet) ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotCompOn(RooPlot *frame, const char* compNameList, Option_t* drawOptions,
Double_t scaleFactor, ScaleType stype, const RooAbsData* projData,
const RooArgSet* projSet) const
// PLEASE USE plotOn(frame,Componenents(...),...)
// Plot only the PDF components listed in 'compSet' of this PDF on 'frame'.
// See RooAbsReal::plotOn() for a description of the remaining arguments and other features
// Sanity checks
if (plotSanityChecks(frame)) return frame ;
// Get complete set of tree branch nodes
RooArgSet branchNodeSet ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchNodeSet) ;
// Discard any non-PDF nodes
TIterator* iter = branchNodeSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg)) {
branchNodeSet.remove(*arg) ;
delete iter ;
// Get list of directly selected nodes
RooArgSet* selNodes = (RooArgSet*) branchNodeSet.selectByName(compNameList) ;
cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotCompOn(" << GetName() << ") directly selected PDF components: " ;
selNodes->Print("1") ;
return plotCompOnEngine(frame,selNodes,drawOptions,scaleFactor,stype,projData,projSet) ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotCompOnEngine(RooPlot *frame, RooArgSet* selNodes, Option_t* drawOptions,
Double_t scaleFactor, ScaleType stype, const RooAbsData* projData,
const RooArgSet* projSet) const
// Get complete set of tree branch nodes
RooArgSet branchNodeSet ;
branchNodeServerList(&branchNodeSet) ;
// Discard any non-PDF nodes
TIterator* iter = branchNodeSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg)) {
branchNodeSet.remove(*arg) ;
// Add all nodes below selected nodes
iter->Reset() ;
TIterator* sIter = selNodes->createIterator() ;
RooArgSet tmp ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
sIter->Reset() ;
RooAbsArg* selNode ;
while((selNode=(RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if (selNode->dependsOn(*arg)) {
tmp.add(*arg,kTRUE) ;
delete sIter ;
// Add all nodes that depend on selected nodes
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
if (arg->dependsOn(*selNodes)) {
tmp.add(*arg,kTRUE) ;
tmp.remove(*selNodes,kTRUE) ;
tmp.remove(*this) ;
selNodes->add(tmp) ;
// cout << "RooAbsPdf::plotCompOn(" << GetName() << ") indirectly selected PDF components: " ;
// tmp.Print("1") ;
// Set PDF selection bits according to selNodes
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
Bool_t select = selNodes->find(arg->GetName()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE ;
((RooAbsPdf*)arg)->selectComp(select) ;
// Plot function in selected state
PlotOpt o ;
o.drawOptions = drawOptions ;
o.scaleFactor = scaleFactor ;
o.stype = stype ;
o.projData = projData ;
o.projSet = projSet ;
frame = plotOn(frame,0) ;
// Reset PDF selection bits to kTRUE
iter->Reset() ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
((RooAbsPdf*)arg)->selectComp(kTRUE) ;
delete selNodes ;
delete iter ;
return frame ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotCompSliceOn(RooPlot *frame, const char* compNameList, const RooArgSet& sliceSet,
Option_t* drawOptions, Double_t scaleFactor, ScaleType stype,
const RooAbsData* projData) const
// PLEASE USE plotOn(frame,Componenents(...),Slice(...),...)
// Plot ourselves on given frame, as done in plotOn(), except that the variables
// listed in 'sliceSet' are taken out from the default list of projected dimensions created
// by plotOn().
RooArgSet projectedVars ;
makeProjectionSet(frame->getPlotVar(),frame->getNormVars(),projectedVars,kTRUE) ;
// Take out the sliced variables
TIterator* iter = sliceSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* sliceArg ;
while((sliceArg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsArg* arg = projectedVars.find(sliceArg->GetName()) ;
if (arg) {
projectedVars.remove(*arg) ;
} else {
cout << "RooAddPdf::plotCompSliceOn(" << GetName() << ") slice variable "
<< sliceArg->GetName() << " was not projected anyway" << endl ;
delete iter ;
return plotCompOn(frame,compNameList,drawOptions,scaleFactor,stype,projData,&projectedVars) ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotCompSliceOn(RooPlot *frame, const RooArgSet& compSet, const RooArgSet& sliceSet,
Option_t* drawOptions, Double_t scaleFactor, ScaleType stype,
const RooAbsData* projData) const
// PLEASE USE plotOn(frame,Componenents(...),Slice(...),...)
// Plot ourselves on given frame, as done in plotOn(), except that the variables
// listed in 'sliceSet' are taken out from the default list of projected dimensions created
// by plotOn().
RooArgSet projectedVars ;
makeProjectionSet(frame->getPlotVar(),frame->getNormVars(),projectedVars,kTRUE) ;
// Take out the sliced variables
TIterator* iter = sliceSet.createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* sliceArg ;
while((sliceArg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsArg* arg = projectedVars.find(sliceArg->GetName()) ;
if (arg) {
projectedVars.remove(*arg) ;
} else {
cout << "RooAddPdf::plotCompSliceOn(" << GetName() << ") slice variable "
<< sliceArg->GetName() << " was not projected anyway" << endl ;
delete iter ;
return plotCompOn(frame,compSet,drawOptions,scaleFactor,stype,projData,&projectedVars) ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::paramOn(RooPlot* frame, const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2,
const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,
const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7, const RooCmdArg& arg8)
// Add a box with parameter values (and errors) to the specified frame
// The following named arguments are supported
// Parameters(const RooArgSet& param) -- Only the specified subset of parameters will be shown.
// By default all non-contant parameters are shown
// ShowConstant(Bool_t flag) -- Also display constant parameters
// Format(const char* optStr) -- Classing [arameter formatting options, provided for backward compatibility
// Format(const char* what,...) -- Parameter formatting options, details given below
// Label(const chat* label) -- Add header label to parameter box
// Layout(Double_t xmin, -- Specify relative position of left,right side of box and top of box. Position of
// Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax) bottom of box is calculated automatically from number lines in box
// The Format(const char* what,...) has the following structure
// const char* what -- Controls what is shown. "N" adds name, "E" adds error,
// "A" shows asymmetric error, "U" shows unit, "H" hides the value
// FixedPrecision(int n) -- Controls precision, set fixed number of digits
// AutoPrecision(int n) -- Controls precision. Number of shown digits is calculated from error
// + n specified additional digits (1 is sensible default)
// Example use: pdf.paramOn(frame, Label("fit result"), Format("NEU",AutoPrecision(1)) ) ;
// Stuff all arguments in a list
RooLinkedList cmdList;
cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg1)) ; cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg2)) ;
cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg3)) ; cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg4)) ;
cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg5)) ; cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg6)) ;
cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg7)) ; cmdList.Add(const_cast<RooCmdArg*>(&arg8)) ;
// Select the pdf-specific commands
RooCmdConfig pc(Form("RooAbsPdf::paramOn(%s)",GetName())) ;
pc.defineString("label","Label",0,"") ;
pc.defineDouble("xmin","Layout",0,0.65) ;
pc.defineDouble("xmax","Layout",1,0.99) ;
pc.defineInt("ymaxi","Layout",0,Int_t(0.95*10000)) ;
pc.defineInt("showc","ShowConstants",0,0) ;
pc.defineObject("params","Parameters",0,0) ;
pc.defineString("formatStr","Format",0,"NELU") ;
pc.defineInt("sigDigit","Format",0,2) ;
pc.defineInt("dummy","FormatArgs",0,0) ;
pc.defineMutex("Format","FormatArgs") ;
// Process and check varargs
pc.process(cmdList) ;
if (!pc.ok(kTRUE)) {
return frame ;
const char* label = pc.getString("label") ;
Double_t xmin = pc.getDouble("xmin") ;
Double_t xmax = pc.getDouble("xmax") ;
Double_t ymax = pc.getInt("ymaxi") / 10000. ;
Int_t showc = pc.getInt("showc") ;
const char* formatStr = pc.getString("formatStr") ;
Int_t sigDigit = pc.getInt("sigDigit") ;
// Decode command line arguments
RooArgSet* params = static_cast<RooArgSet*>(pc.getObject("params")) ;
if (!params) {
params = getParameters(frame->getNormVars()) ;
if (pc.hasProcessed("FormatArgs")) {
const RooCmdArg* formatCmd = static_cast<RooCmdArg*>(cmdList.FindObject("FormatArgs")) ;
paramOn(frame,*params,showc,label,0,0,xmin,xmax,ymax,formatCmd) ;
} else {
paramOn(frame,*params,showc,label,sigDigit,formatStr,xmin,xmax,ymax) ;
delete params ;
} else {
RooArgSet* pdfParams = getParameters(frame->getNormVars()) ;
RooArgSet* selParams = static_cast<RooArgSet*>(pdfParams->selectCommon(*params)) ;
if (pc.hasProcessed("FormatArgs")) {
const RooCmdArg* formatCmd = static_cast<RooCmdArg*>(cmdList.FindObject("FormatArgs")) ;
paramOn(frame,*selParams,showc,label,0,0,xmin,xmax,ymax,formatCmd) ;
} else {
paramOn(frame,*selParams,showc,label,sigDigit,formatStr,xmin,xmax,ymax) ;
delete selParams ;
delete pdfParams ;
return frame ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::paramOn(RooPlot* frame, const RooAbsData* data, const char *label,
Int_t sigDigits, Option_t *options, Double_t xmin,
Double_t xmax ,Double_t ymax)
RooArgSet* params = getParameters(data) ;
TString opts(options) ;
paramOn(frame,*params,opts.Contains("c"),label,sigDigits,options,xmin,xmax,ymax) ;
delete params ;
return frame ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::paramOn(RooPlot* frame, const RooArgSet& params, Bool_t showConstants, const char *label,
Int_t sigDigits, Option_t *options, Double_t xmin,
Double_t xmax ,Double_t ymax, const RooCmdArg* formatCmd)
// Add a text box with the current parameter values and their errors to the frame.
// Dependents of this PDF appearing in the 'data' dataset will be omitted.
// Optional label will be inserted as first line of the text box. Use 'sigDigits'
// to modify the default number of significant digits printed. The 'xmin,xmax,ymax'
// values specify the inital relative position of the text box in the plot frame
// parse the options
TString opts = options;
Bool_t showLabel= (label != 0 && strlen(label) > 0);
// calculate the box's size, adjusting for constant parameters
TIterator* pIter = params.createIterator() ;
Int_t nPar= params.getSize();
Double_t ymin(ymax), dy(0.06);
Int_t index(nPar);
RooRealVar *var = 0;
while((var=(RooRealVar*)pIter->Next())) {
if(showConstants || !var->isConstant()) ymin-= dy;
if(showLabel) ymin-= dy;
// create the box and set its options
TPaveText *box= new TPaveText(xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin,"BRNDC");
if(!box) return 0;
TText *text = 0;
//char buffer[512];
index= nPar;
pIter->Reset() ;
while((var=(RooRealVar*)pIter->Next())) {
if(var->isConstant() && !showConstants) continue;
TString *formatted= options ? var->format(sigDigits, options) : var->format(*formatCmd) ;
text= box->AddText(formatted->Data());
delete formatted;
// add the optional label if specified
if(showLabel) text= box->AddText(label);
// Add box to frame
frame->addObject(box) ;
delete pIter ;
return frame ;
void RooAbsPdf::fixAddCoefNormalization(const RooArgSet& addNormSet)
RooArgSet* compSet = getComponents() ;
TIterator* iter = compSet->createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsPdf* pdf = dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg) ;
if (pdf) {
if (addNormSet.getSize()>0) {
pdf->selectNormalization(&addNormSet,kTRUE) ;
} else {
pdf->selectNormalization(0,kTRUE) ;
delete iter ;
delete compSet ;
void RooAbsPdf::fixAddCoefRange(const char* rangeName)
RooArgSet* compSet = getComponents() ;
TIterator* iter = compSet->createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsPdf* pdf = dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf*>(arg) ;
if (pdf) {
pdf->selectNormalizationRange(rangeName,kTRUE) ;
delete iter ;
delete compSet ;
RooPlot* RooAbsPdf::plotNLLOn(RooPlot* frame, RooDataSet* data, Bool_t extended, const RooArgSet& /*projDeps*/,
Option_t* /*drawOptions*/, Double_t prec, Bool_t fixMinToZero) {
RooNLLVar nll("nll","-log(L)",*this,*data,extended) ;
if (fixMinToZero) {
nll.plotOn(frame,RooFit::DrawOption("L"),RooFit::Precision(prec),RooFit::ShiftToZero()) ;
} else {
nll.plotOn(frame,RooFit::DrawOption("L"),RooFit::Precision(prec)) ;
return frame ;
Bool_t RooAbsPdf::redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList,
Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t /*isRecursive*/)
Bool_t ret(kFALSE) ;
Int_t i ;
for (i=0 ; i<_normMgr.cacheSize() ; i++) {
RooAbsArg* norm = _normMgr.getNormByIndex(i) ;
ret |= norm->recursiveRedirectServers(newServerList,mustReplaceAll,nameChange) ;
return ret ;
Double_t RooAbsPdf::expectedEvents(const RooArgSet*) const
return 0 ;
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