* Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitModels *
* File: $Id: Roo2DKeysPdf.cc,v 1.20 2005/06/20 15:51:05 wverkerke Exp $
* Authors: *
* AB, Adrian Bevan, Liverpool University, bevan@slac.stanford.edu *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California, *
* Liverpool University, *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
// Use of the PDF:
// If you generate the PDF using the same domain as you fit to, for data populated
// near the edges, there will be no compensating 'feed through from the other side
// of the boundary'. There are the following options available to you to avoid or
// reduce edge effects in your fits:
// 1) enlarge your fit domain to avoid having significant data at the boundaries
// of your fit.
// 2) try using the 'm' option. This mirrors all gaussuans within the domain at
// the domain boundary. This will lead to an overestimate of the PDF near the
// boundary instead of the previously observed deficit.
// 3) define the fit domain [the RooRealVars in the ctor] to be smaller than the
// domain which the data set ctor used. This PDF is construced using the events
// in the data set, so if the boundaries are really giving you a problem and
// mirroring is not satisfactory solution to the problem, you have to take a hit
// in using a reduced data set to construct the PDF from. Recall that you will
// be fitting to data in a different domain [and hence dataset] so there are no
// inconsistencies as a result [unless you are really limited by MC stats and
// use the same MC to generate the PDF and test the PDF's systematics].
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "Roo2DKeysPdf.h"
#include "Roo2DKeysPdf.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TMath.h"
//#include <math.h>
Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf(const char *name, const char *title,
RooAbsReal& xx, RooAbsReal & yy, RooDataSet& data, TString options, Double_t widthScaleFactor):
x("x", "x dimension",this, xx),
y("y", "y dimension",this, yy)
loadDataSet(data, options);
Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf(const Roo2DKeysPdf & other, const char* name) :
x("x", this, other.x),
y("y", this, other.y)
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf copy ctor" << endl; }
_xMean = other._xMean;
_xSigma = other._xSigma;
_yMean = other._yMean;
_ySigma = other._ySigma;
_n = other._n;
_BandWidthType = other._BandWidthType;
_MirrorAtBoundary = other._MirrorAtBoundary;
_widthScaleFactor = other._widthScaleFactor;
_2pi = other._2pi;
_sqrt2pi = other._sqrt2pi;
_nEvents = other._nEvents;
_n16 = other._n16;
_debug = other._debug;
_verbosedebug = other._verbosedebug;
_vverbosedebug = other._vverbosedebug;
_lox = other._lox;
_hix = other._hix;
_loy = other._loy;
_hiy = other._hiy;
_xoffset = other._xoffset;
_yoffset = other._yoffset;
_x = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_y = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_hx = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_hy = new Double_t[_nEvents];
//copy the data and bandwidths
for(Int_t iEvt = 0; iEvt< _nEvents; iEvt++)
_x[iEvt] = other._x[iEvt];
_y[iEvt] = other._y[iEvt];
_hx[iEvt] = other._hx[iEvt];
_hy[iEvt] = other._hy[iEvt];
Roo2DKeysPdf::~Roo2DKeysPdf() {
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2KeysPdf dtor" << endl; }
delete[] _x;
delete[] _hx;
delete[] _y;
delete[] _hy;
// Load a new data set into the class instance. If the calculation fails, //
// return 1 //
// return 0 indicates a success //
Int_t Roo2DKeysPdf::loadDataSet(RooDataSet& data, TString options)
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::loadDataSet" << endl; }
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::loadDataSet(RooDataSet& data, TString options)" << endl; }
_2pi = 2.0*TMath::Pi() ; //use pi from math.h
_sqrt2pi = sqrt(_2pi);
_nEvents = (Int_t)data.numEntries();
if(_nEvents == 0)
cout << "ERROR: Roo2DKeysPdf::loadDataSet The input data set is empty. Unable to begin generating the PDF" << endl;
return 1;
_n16 = TMath::Power(_nEvents, -0.166666666); // = (4/[n(dim(R) + 2)])^1/(dim(R)+4); dim(R) = 2
_lox = x.min();
_hix = x.max();
_loy = y.min();
_hiy = y.max();
_x = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_y = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_hx = new Double_t[_nEvents];
_hy = new Double_t[_nEvents];
Double_t x0 = 0.0;
Double_t x1 = 0.0;
Double_t x_2 = 0.0;
Double_t y0 = 0.0;
Double_t y1 = 0.0;
Double_t y_2 = 0.0;
//check that the data contain the variable we are interested in
Int_t bad = 0;
const RooAbsReal & xx = x.arg();
const RooAbsReal & yy = y.arg();
if(! (RooRealVar*)( (RooArgSet*)data.get(0) )->find( xx.GetName() ) )
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf invalid RooAbsReal name: "<<xx.GetName()<<" not in the data set" <<endl;
bad = 1;
if(! (RooRealVar*)( (RooArgSet*)data.get(0) )->find( yy.GetName() ) )
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf invalid RooAbsReal name: "<<yy.GetName()<<" not in the data set" << endl;
bad = 1;
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf Unable to initilize object; incompatible RooDataSet doesn't contain"<<endl;
cout << " all of the RooAbsReal arguments"<<endl;
return 1;
//copy the data into local arrays
const RooArgSet * values = data.get();
const RooRealVar* X = ((RooRealVar*)(values->find(xx.GetName())) ) ;
const RooRealVar* Y = ((RooRealVar*)(values->find(yy.GetName())) ) ;
for (Int_t j=0;j<_nEvents;++j)
data.get(j) ;
_x[j] = X->getVal() ;
_y[j] = Y->getVal() ;
x0+=1; x1+=_x[j]; x_2+=_x[j]*_x[j];
y0+=1; y1+=_y[j]; y_2+=_y[j]*_y[j];
//calculate the mean and sigma for the data //
if(_nEvents == 0)
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::Roo2DKeysPdf Empty data set was used; can't generate a PDF"<<endl;
_xMean = x1/x0;
_xSigma = sqrt(x_2/_nEvents-_xMean*_xMean);
_yMean = y1/y0;
_ySigma = sqrt(y_2/_nEvents-_yMean*_yMean);
_n = Double_t(1)/(_2pi*_nEvents*_xSigma*_ySigma);
//calculate the PDF
return calculateBandWidth(_BandWidthType);
void Roo2DKeysPdf::setOptions(TString options)
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::setOptions" << endl; }
if( options.Contains("a") ) _BandWidthType = 0;
else _BandWidthType = 1;
if( options.Contains("n") ) _BandWidthType = 1;
else _BandWidthType = 0;
if( options.Contains("m") ) _MirrorAtBoundary = 1;
else _MirrorAtBoundary = 0;
if( options.Contains("d") ) _debug = 1;
else _debug = 0;
if( options.Contains("v") ) { _debug = 1; _verbosedebug = 1; }
else _verbosedebug = 0;
if( options.Contains("vv") ) { _vverbosedebug = 1; }
else _vverbosedebug = 0;
if( _debug )
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::setOptions(TString options) options = "<< options << endl;
cout << "\t_BandWidthType = " << _BandWidthType << endl;
cout << "\t_MirrorAtBoundary = " << _MirrorAtBoundary << endl;
cout << "\t_debug = " << _debug << endl;
cout << "\t_verbosedebug = " << _verbosedebug << endl;
cout << "\t_vverbosedebug = " << _vverbosedebug << endl;
void Roo2DKeysPdf::getOptions(void) const
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::getOptions(void)" << endl;
cout << "\t_BandWidthType = " << _BandWidthType << endl;
cout << "\t_MirrorAtBoundary = " << _MirrorAtBoundary << endl;
cout << "\t_debug = " << _debug << endl;
cout << "\t_verbosedebug = " << _verbosedebug << endl;
cout << "\t_vverbosedebug = " << _vverbosedebug << endl;
// calculate the kernal bandwith for x & y //
// & Calculate the probability look up table _p[i][j] //
Int_t Roo2DKeysPdf::calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel)
if(_verbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel)" << endl; }
if(kernel != -999)
_BandWidthType = kernel;
Double_t h = 0.0;
Double_t sigSum = _xSigma*_xSigma + _ySigma*_ySigma;
Double_t sqrtSum = sqrt( sigSum );
Double_t sigProd = _ySigma*_xSigma;
if(sigProd != 0.0) h = _n16*sqrt( sigSum/sigProd );
if(sqrtSum == 0)
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::calculateBandWidth The sqr(variance sum) == 0.0. " << " Your dataset represents a delta function."<<endl;
return 1;
Double_t hXSigma = h * _xSigma;
Double_t hYSigma = h * _ySigma;
Double_t xhmin = hXSigma * sqrt(2.)/10; //smallest anticipated bandwidth
Double_t yhmin = hYSigma * sqrt(2.)/10;
//calculate bandwidths from the data//
if(_BandWidthType == 1) //calculate a trivial bandwith
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::calculateBandWidth Using a normal bandwith (same for a given dimension) based on"<<endl;
cout << " h_j = n^{-1/6}*sigma_j for the j^th dimension and n events * "<<_widthScaleFactor<<endl;
Double_t hxGaussian = _n16 * _xSigma * _widthScaleFactor;
Double_t hyGaussian = _n16 * _ySigma * _widthScaleFactor;
for(Int_t j=0;j<_nEvents;++j)
_hx[j] = hxGaussian;
_hy[j] = hyGaussian;
if(_hx[j]<xhmin) _hx[j] = xhmin;
if(_hy[j]<yhmin) _hy[j] = yhmin;
else //use an adaptive bandwith to reduce the dependance on global data distribution
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::calculateBandWidth Using an adaptive bandwith (in general different for all events) [default]"<<endl;
cout << " scaled by a factor of "<<_widthScaleFactor<<endl;
Double_t xnorm = h * TMath::Power(_xSigma/sqrtSum, 1.5) * _widthScaleFactor;
Double_t ynorm = h * TMath::Power(_ySigma/sqrtSum, 1.5) * _widthScaleFactor;
for(Int_t j=0;j<_nEvents;++j)
Double_t f_ti = TMath::Power( g(_x[j], _x, hXSigma, _y[j], _y, hYSigma), -0.25 ) ;
_hx[j] = xnorm * f_ti;
_hy[j] = ynorm * f_ti;
if(_hx[j]<xhmin) _hx[j] = xhmin;
if(_hy[j]<yhmin) _hy[j] = yhmin;
return 0;
// evaluate the kernal estimation for x,y, interpolating between the points if necessary //
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::evaluate() const
// use the cacheing intrinsic in RFC to bypass the grid and remove
// the grid and extrapolation approximation in the kernel estimation method
//implementation - cheers Wouter :)
if(_vverbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::evaluate()" << endl; }
return evaluateFull(x,y);
// Evaluate the sum of the product of the 2D kernels //
// for use in calculating the fixed kernel estimate, f //
// given the bandwiths _hx[j] and _hy[j] //
// _n is calculated once in the constructor
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::evaluateFull(Double_t thisX, Double_t thisY) const
if( _vverbosedebug ) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::evaluateFull()" << endl; }
Double_t f=0.0;
Double_t rx2, ry2, zx, zy;
if( _MirrorAtBoundary )
for (Int_t j = 0; j < _nEvents; ++j)
rx2 = 0.0; ry2 = 0.0; zx = 0.0; zy = 0.0;
if(_hx[j] != 0.0) rx2 = (thisX - _x[j])/_hx[j];
if(_hy[j] != 0.0) ry2 = (thisY - _y[j])/_hy[j];
if(_hx[j] != 0.0) zx = exp(-0.5*rx2*rx2)/_hx[j];
if(_hy[j] != 0.0) zy = exp(-0.5*ry2*ry2)/_hy[j];
zx += highBoundaryCorrection(thisX, _hx[j], x.max(), _x[j])
+ lowBoundaryCorrection(thisX, _hx[j], x.min(), _x[j]);
zy += highBoundaryCorrection(thisY, _hy[j], y.max(), _y[j])
+ lowBoundaryCorrection(thisY, _hy[j], y.min(), _y[j]);
f += zy * zx;
// f += _n * zy * zx; // ooops this is a normalisation factor :(
for (Int_t j = 0; j < _nEvents; ++j)
rx2 = 0.0; ry2 = 0.0; zx = 0.0; zy = 0.0;
if(_hx[j] != 0.0) rx2 = (thisX - _x[j])/_hx[j];
if(_hy[j] != 0.0) ry2 = (thisY - _y[j])/_hy[j];
if(_hx[j] != 0.0) zx = exp(-0.5*rx2*rx2)/_hx[j];
if(_hy[j] != 0.0) zy = exp(-0.5*ry2*ry2)/_hy[j];
f += zy * zx;
// f += _n * zy * zx; // ooops this is a normalisation factor :(
return f;
// Apply the mirror at boundary correction to a dimension given the space position to evaluate
// at (thisVar), the bandwidth at this position (thisH), the boundary (high/low) and the
// value of the data kernal that this correction is being applied to tVar (i.e. the _x[ix] etc.)
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::highBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t high, Double_t tVar) const
if(_vverbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::highBoundaryCorrection" << endl; }
if(thisH == 0.0) return 0.0;
Double_t correction = (thisVar + tVar - 2.0* high )/thisH;
return exp(-0.5*correction*correction)/thisH;
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::lowBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t low, Double_t tVar) const
if(_vverbosedebug) { cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::lowBoundaryCorrection" << endl; }
if(thisH == 0.0) return 0.0;
Double_t correction = (thisVar + tVar - 2.0* low )/thisH;
return exp(-0.5*correction*correction)/thisH;
// calculate f(t_i) for the bandwidths //
// //
// g = 1/(Nevt * sigma_j * sqrt2pi)*sum_{all evts}{prod d K[ exp{-(xd - ti)/sigma_jd^2} ]} //
// //
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::g(Double_t varMean1, Double_t * _var1, Double_t sigma1, Double_t varMean2, Double_t * _var2, Double_t sigma2) const
if((_nEvents == 0.0) || (sigma1 == 0.0) || (sigma2 == 0)) return 0.0;
Double_t c1 = -1.0/(2.0*sigma1*sigma1);
Double_t c2 = -1.0/(2.0*sigma2*sigma2);
Double_t d = 4.0*c1*c2 /(_sqrt2pi*_nEvents);
Double_t z = 0.0;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nEvents; ++i)
Double_t r1 = _var1[i] - varMean1;
Double_t r2 = _var2[i] - varMean2;
z += exp( c1 * r1*r1 ) * exp( c2 * r2*r2 );
z = z*d;
return z;
Int_t Roo2DKeysPdf::getBandWidthType() const
if(_BandWidthType == 1) cout << "The Bandwidth Type selected is Trivial" << endl;
else cout << "The Bandwidth Type selected is Adaptive" << endl;
return _BandWidthType;
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::getMean(const char * axis) const
if((axis == x.GetName()) || (axis == "x") || (axis == "X")) return _xMean;
else if((axis == y.GetName()) || (axis == "y") || (axis == "Y")) return _yMean;
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::getMean unknown axis "<<axis<<endl;
return 0.0;
Double_t Roo2DKeysPdf::getSigma(const char * axis) const
if((axis == x.GetName()) || (axis == "x") || (axis == "X")) return _xSigma;
else if((axis == y.GetName()) || (axis == "y") || (axis == "Y")) return _ySigma;
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::getSigma unknown axis "<<axis<<endl;
return 0.0;
void Roo2DKeysPdf::writeToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const
TString histName = name;
histName += "_hist";
TString nName = name;
nName += "_Ntuple";
writeHistToFile( outputFile, histName);
writeNTupleToFile( outputFile, nName);
// plot the PDf as a histogram and save to file
// so that it can be loaded in as a Roo2DHist Pdf in the future to
// save on calculation time
void Roo2DKeysPdf::writeHistToFile(char * outputFile, const char * histName) const
TFile * file = 0;
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::writeHistToFile This member function is temporarily disabled" <<endl;
//make sure that any existing file is not over written
file = new TFile(outputFile, "UPDATE");
if (!file)
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::writeHistToFile unable to open file "<< outputFile <<endl;
const RooAbsReal & xx = x.arg();
const RooAbsReal & yy = y.arg();
RooArgSet values( RooArgList( xx, yy ));
RooRealVar * xArg = ((RooRealVar*)(values.find(xx.GetName())) ) ;
RooRealVar * yArg = ((RooRealVar*)(values.find(yy.GetName())) ) ;
TH2F * hist = (TH2F*)xArg->createHistogram("hist", *yArg);
hist = (TH2F*)this->fillHistogram(hist, RooArgList(*xArg, *yArg) );
// save the data and calculated bandwidths to file
// as a record of what produced the PDF and to give a reduced
// data set in order to facilitate re-calculation in the future
void Roo2DKeysPdf::writeNTupleToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const
TFile * file = 0;
//make sure that any existing file is not over written
file = new TFile(outputFile, "UPDATE");
if (!file)
cout << "Roo2DKeysPdf::writeNTupleToFile unable to open file "<< outputFile <<endl;
RooAbsReal & xArg = (RooAbsReal&)x.arg();
RooAbsReal & yArg = (RooAbsReal&)y.arg();
Double_t theX, theY, hx/*, hy*/;
TString label = name;
label += " the source data for 2D Keys PDF";
TTree * _theTree = new TTree(name, label);
if(!_theTree) { cout << "Unable to get a TTree for output" << endl; return; }
_theTree->SetAutoSave(1000000000); // autosave when 1 Gbyte written
//name the TBranches the same as the RooAbsReal's
const char * xname = xArg.GetName();
const char * yname = yArg.GetName();
if(xname == "") xname = "x";
if(yname == "") yname = "y";
_theTree->Branch(xname, &theX, " x/D");
_theTree->Branch(yname, &theY, " y/D");
_theTree->Branch("hx", &hx, " hx/D");
_theTree->Branch("hy", &hx, " hy/D");
for(Int_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < _nEvents; iEvt++)
theX = _x[iEvt];
theY = _y[iEvt];
hx = _hx[iEvt];
hx = _hy[iEvt];
// print out _p[_nPoints][_nPoints] indicating the //
// domain limits //
void Roo2DKeysPdf::PrintInfo(ostream & out) const
out << "Roo2DKeysPDF instance domain information:"<<endl;
out << "\tX_min = " << _lox <<endl;
out << "\tX_max = " << _hix <<endl;
out << "\tY_min = " << _loy <<endl;
out << "\tY_max = " << _hiy <<endl;
out << "Data information:" << endl;
out << "\t<x> = " << _xMean <<endl;
out << "\tsigma(x) = " << _xSigma <<endl;
out << "\t<y> = " << _yMean <<endl;
out << "\tsigma(y) = " << _ySigma <<endl;
out << "END of info for Roo2DKeys pdf instance"<< endl;
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