Using Collection Classes
Using Collection Classes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Root.h"
#include "RString.h"
#include "ObjString.h"
#include "SortedList.h"
#include "ObjArray.h"
#include "OrdCollection.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
// To focus on basic collection protocol, this sample program uses
// simple classes inheriting from TObject. One class, TObjString, is a
// collectable string class (a TString wrapped in a TObject) provided
// by the ROOT system. The other class we define below, is an integer
// wrapped in a TObject, just like TObjString.
// TObjNum is a simple container for an integer.
class TObjNum : public TObject {
int num;
TObjNum(int i = 0) : num(i) { }
~TObjNum() { Printf("~TObjNum = %d", num); }
void SetNum(int i) { num = i; }
int GetNum() { return num; }
void Print(Option_t *) { Printf("TObjNum = %d", num); }
ULong_t Hash() { return num; }
Bool_t IsEqual(TObject *obj) { return num == ((TObjNum*)obj)->num; }
Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; }
Int_t Compare(TObject *obj) { if (num == ((TObjNum*)obj)->num)
return 0;
else if (num < ((TObjNum*)obj)->num)
return -1;
return 1; }
// Initialize the ROOT framework
TROOT tcollection("Collection","Test collection classes");
int main()
int i;
"// Test of TObjArray //\n"
// Array of capacity 10, Add() will automatically expand the array if necessary.
TObjArray a(10);
Printf("Filling TObjArray");
a.Add(new TObjNum(1)); // add at next free slot, pos 0
a[1] = new TObjNum(2); // use operator[], put at pos 1
TObjNum *n3 = new TObjNum(3);
a.AddAt(n3,2); // add at position 2
a.Add(new TObjNum(4)); // add at next free slot, pos 3
a.AddLast(new TObjNum(10)); // add at pos 4
TObjNum n6(6); // stack based TObjNum
a.AddAt(&n6,5); // add at pos 5
a[6] = new TObjNum(5); // add at respective positions
a[7] = new TObjNum(8);
a[8] = new TObjNum(7);
// a[10] = &n6; // gives out-of-bound error
Printf("Print array");
a.Print(); // invoke Print() of all objects
Printf("Sort array");
for (i = 0; i < a.Capacity(); i++) // typical way of iterating over array
if (a[i])
a[i]->Print(); // can also use operator[] to access elements
Printf("%d empty slot", i);
Printf("Use binary search to get position of number 6");
Printf("6 is at position %d", a.BinarySearch(&n6));
Printf("Find number before 6");
Printf("Find number after 3");
Printf("Remove 3 and print list again");
delete n3;
Printf("Iterate forward over list and remove 4 and 7");
// TIter encapsulates the actual class iterator. The type of iterator
// used depends on the type of the collection.
TIter next(&a);
TObjNum *obj;
while (obj = (TObjNum*)next()) // iterator skips empty slots
if (obj->GetNum() == 4) {
delete obj;
// Reset the iterator and loop again
while (obj = (TObjNum*)next())
if (obj->GetNum() == 7) {
delete obj;
Printf("Iterate backward over list and remove 2");
TIter next1(&a, kIterBackward);
while (obj = (TObjNum*)next1())
if (obj->GetNum() == 2) {
delete obj;
Printf("Delete remainder of list: 1,5,8,10 (6 not deleted since not on heap)");
// Delete heap objects and clear list. Attention: do this only when you
// own all objects stored in the collection. When you stored aliases to
// the actual objects (i.e. you did not create the objects) use Clear()
// instead.
"// Test of TOrdCollection //\n"
// Create collection with default size, Add() will automatically expand
// the collection if necessary.
TOrdCollection c;
Printf("Filling TOrdCollection");
c.Add(new TObjString("anton")); // add at next free slot, pos 0
c.AddFirst(new TObjString("bobo")); // put at pos 0, bump anton to pos 1
TObjString *s3 = new TObjString("damon");
c.AddAt(s3,1); // add at position 1, bump anton to pos 2
c.Add(new TObjString("cassius")); // add at next free slot, pos 3
c.AddLast(new TObjString("enigma")); // add at pos 4
TObjString s6("fons"); // stack based TObjString
c.AddBefore(s3,&s6); // add at pos 1
c.AddAfter(s3, new TObjString("gaia"));
Printf("Print collection");
c.Print(); // invoke Print() of all objects
Printf("Sort collection");
Printf("Use binary search to get position of string damon");
Printf("damon is at position %d", c.BinarySearch(s3));
Printf("Find str before fons");
Printf("Find string after damon");
Printf("Remove damon and print list again");
delete s3;
Printf("Iterate forward over list and remove cassius");
TObjString *objs;
TIter next2(&c);
while (objs = (TObjString*)next2()) // iterator skips empty slots
if (objs->String() == "cassius") {
delete objs;
Printf("Iterate backward over list and remove gaia");
TIter next3(&c, kIterBackward);
while (objs = (TObjString*)next3())
if (objs->String() == "gaia") {
delete objs;
Printf("Delete remainder of list: anton,bobo,enigma (fons not deleted since not on heap)");
c.Delete(); // delete heap objects and clear list
"// Test of TList //\n"
// Create a doubly linked list.
TList l;
Printf("Filling TList");
n3 = new TObjNum(3);
l.AddBefore(n3, new TObjNum(5));
l.AddAfter(n3, new TObjNum(2));
l.Add(new TObjNum(1));
l.AddBefore(n3, new TObjNum(4));
Printf("Print list");
Printf("Remove 3 and print list again");
delete n3;
Printf("Iterate forward over list and remove 4");
TIter next4(&l);
while (obj = (TObjNum*)next4())
if (obj->GetNum() == 4) l.Remove(obj);
Printf("Iterate backward over list and remove 2");
TIter next5(&l, kIterBackward);
while (obj = (TObjNum*)next5())
if (obj->GetNum() == 2) {
delete obj;
Printf("Delete remainder of list: 1, 5 (6 not deleted since not on heap)");
"// Test of TSortedList //\n"
// Create a sorted doubly linked list.
TSortedList sl;
Printf("Filling TSortedList");
n3 = new TObjNum(3);
sl.AddBefore(n3,new TObjNum(5));
sl.AddAfter(n3, new TObjNum(2));
sl.Add(new TObjNum(1));
sl.AddBefore(n3, new TObjNum(4));
Printf("Print list");
"// Test of THashTable //\n"
// Create a hash table with an initial size of 20 (actually the next prime
// above 20). No automatic rehashing.
THashTable ht(20);
Printf("Filling THashTable");
Printf("Number of slots before filling: %d", ht.Capacity());
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
ht.Add(new TObject);
Printf("Average collisions: %f", ht.AverageCollisions());
// rehash the hash table to reduce the collission rate
Printf("Number of slots after rehash: %d", ht.Capacity());
Printf("Average collisions after rehash: %f", ht.AverageCollisions());
// Create a hash table and trigger automatic rehashing when average
// collision rate becomes larger than 5.
THashTable ht2(20,5);
Printf("Filling THashTable with automatic rehash when AverageCollisions>5");
Printf("Number of slots before filling: %d", ht2.Capacity());
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
ht2.Add(new TObject);
Printf("Number of slots after filling: %d", ht2.Capacity());
Printf("Average collisions: %f", ht2.AverageCollisions());
Printf("End of program, dtor's do the rest");
return 0;
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