This is the title

This is the title

TCanvas c1("c1","ROOT Framework",10,10,700,900);

Float_t iotop = 22;
Float_t tsize = 0.023;
TPaveText io(1,2,19,iotop);
io.AddText(" ");
io.AddText("- A large subset of CERNLIB redesigned with new technology");
io.AddText("- The same language C++ for Batch and Interaction");
io.AddText("- A very powerful and mature C++ interpreter");
io.AddText("- Assumes standard C++ environment (no other special tools)");
io.AddText("- User describes the data model in C++ header files");
io.AddText("- Automatic code generation for I/O and User Interface");
io.AddText("- Automatic html documentation for user files");
io.AddText("- A rich set of container classes");
io.AddText("- Complete machine independent I/O subsystem");
io.AddText("- Trees for event I/O (Ntuples generalized to Objects)");
io.AddText("- Histograming and Ntuples(more than PAW/HBOOK)");
io.AddText("- Minimization (Minuit class)");
io.AddText("- Automatic Object-Oriented User interface and graphics");
io.AddText("- 2-D and 3-D graphics (far more than HPLOT and HIGZ)");
io.AddText("- Detector description and Geometric rendering");
io.AddText("- Dynamic load of shared libraries");
io.AddText("- Ported on Unix and Windows/Nt/95");

Float_t dy = 0.7;
TPaveLabel iotitle(5,iotop-dy,15,iotop+dy,"ROOT Framework");

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