ROOT version 3.03/09 Update Notes

Following the release of ROOT 3.03/08 on August 21, a few bugs have been 
reported. Meanwhile, a new release of CERNLIB has been produced with a new 
version of RFIO and the CASTOR system forcing changes in the Makefile. 
We have decided to introduce a consolidation release 3.03/09. 
In addition to the bug fixes, this version includes also some new developments.

The complete development notes can be found at:

The AFS versions of 3.03/09 can be found at: 

  /afs/      for Redhat7.2 gcc3.2
  /afs/     for Redhat7.2 gcc2.96
  /afs/    for Redhat7.2 gcc2.95.3
  /afs/    for Redhat6.1 gcc2.95.2
  /afs/       for Redhat6.1 egcs1.1
  /afs/ for Hpux10.20 aCC
  /afs/        for Solaris5.7 CC5.2
  /afs/        for Solaris5.8 CC5.2
  /afs/             for Windows/NT4/W2K

  Rene Brun, Philippe Canal, Olivier Couet, Masaharu Goto and Fons Rademakers 

Important Bug fixes

In TTree
  re-enable memory resident tree

In TCint
  re-enable the ability to use 'Fake' class

In rootcint/RTypes.h
  re-enable the ability to handle templates with 2 paramaters or more.
For non-classDef classes, treat the case where they inherit from a
class located in a namespace and the case of data members which
type is located in a namespace.

New features
 Dependencies between libraries due to the use of gROOT->ProcessLine
to instantiate new classes and services have been replaced by the
use of the TPluginManager facility. A new set of abstract interfaces
like TVirtualUtil3D, TVirtualUtilPad, TVirtualUtilHist, TVirtualProof
and their concrete implementation TUtil3D, TUtilPad, TUtilHist, TProof
minimize the library coupling and make possible alternative implementations.

New classes from Christophe Delaere
 class TLimit
 Algorithm to compute 95% C.L. limits using the Likelihood ratio
 semi-bayesian method.
 It takes signal, background and data histograms wrapped in a
 TLimitDataSource as input and runs a set of Monte Carlo experiments in
 order to compute the limits. If needed, inputs are fluctuated according
 to systematics. The output is a TConfidenceLevel.

 class TLimitDataSource
 Takes the signal, background and data histograms as well as different
 systematics sources to form the TLimit input.

  class TConfidenceLevel
 Final result of the TLimit algorithm. It is created just after the
 time-consuming part and can be stored in a TFile for further processing.
 It contains light methods to return CLs, CLb and other interesting

A new tutorial limit.C illustrates the use of these new classes.

New GUI classes from Bertrand Bellenot
 new TGColorSelect, TGColorDialog, TGColorPalette and TGColorPick widgets.
Ported by Bertrand from xclass library to ROOT for win32gdk.
See guitest(.cxx|.C) for example usage.

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